Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Night thoughts

I feel bad for all those poor people in the path of that hurricane. I mean, yeah its your own fault for living in a hurricane zone, but I still feel bad because you are all gonna get wiped out.

I have been kicking ass in WOWS with the Graf Zeppelin. It is a shame people like Little White Mouse (or as I call her, Big Fat Pig) hate the ship so much they slag on it even though they don't play it. When she is re-vamped and re-released she will destroy every ship in her path!

Chobittsu got a verbal beatdown on the forums because he brought his brony pedophile perversions into a thread about CV play and got called out over it. His BIG COMEBACK was to post a picture of some sort of fag looking unicorn eating a pickle or some stupid shit.

I am NOT looking forward to cheering this weekend while I am on my period. UGH. All the other girls are all "just use a tampon"....UH NO WAY....tampons are gross, I don't want anything shoved up my vag WTF!

Dad and I are going to see IT Friday night...OMFG I know I will be scared as fuck! dad said he saw the original when he was young...WTF I didn't know this was a remake! Hollywood sucks, we all know (((who runs))) it.

I guess that is it for now. I am tired and I want to chat with Bekah before I go to bed.

Thanks for reading!

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