Friday, September 8, 2017


So it is Friday and that means a damn Calculus test at school. Boo!!!

Friday is also 'wear your uniform day" so I get to go to school in my cheer squad uniform. I look hella cute in it. I would show a pic but I know certain brony pedophiles would just save it to whack off to later so I won't. Plus I don't want certain fat brony retards knowing where I go to school cause for all I know they will drive here to try and abduct me or something.

Dad and I are going to see It tonight. Everything I have been reading online says it is very scary! OMG! I will probaby have to sit in dad's seat at the theater so I can hide easier when the scary stuff comes on the screen.

They are having some sort of food drive for the hurricane victims at my school. WTF, why should I send them anything I'm not dumb enough to live in a hurricane zone. dad said it is the nice thing to do so I bought a few cans of creamed corn and will donate that. I guess they like creamed corn, I have no idea but it was like 4 cans for 2 dollars at the grocery store.

That is all for now, time for school. I can't wait to see Bekah even though we Skyped for like 2 hours last night

Thanks for reading!

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