Wednesday, September 13, 2017

omg HI!

Hello! I have been busy so I haven't written a new post in about a week. But I am all caught up now YAY!!! So I will recap what i have been doing:

1. Cheer Squad and Fencing practice
2. Stupid English paper I had to write
3. dad had to get a root canal and I was tending to him
4. keeping tabs on my cousin in Florida due to hurricane Irma (she is ok)
5. being all cute and positive!

It has been a very busy week. poor dad had to get a root canal..omg I was SO sad and i was scared he would die or I took care of him like a good daughter should....even though he was all "Steff it doesn't even hurt I am fine the procedure took an hour why are you trying to cook for me you'll burn the house down!" I KNOW he appreciated my efforts!!!

so the anniversary of 9/11 was here. We all know who really did 9/11: THE JEWS!!! Israel destroyed the twin towers to get us involved in a never ending war in the middle east to serve their own interests. EVERYONE with a brain knows this! I tried telling my calculus teacher (he is one of (((them))) ) and he was all "OMG THAT IS TOTAL BS" and I showed him PROOF off the Internet and he got all red faced and couldn't refute ANY of my evidence. TYPICAL!!!

So Bekah stayed over Saturday was SO good to have her here, i love when she stays over because I get to tease her and get her all flustered and then sleep cuddled up to her.

so i wanted to take a shower before bed and so I got undressed and I was all "cmon bekah shower with me" and she was all "no, it drives me crazy you tease too much I'll wait here". But i wasnt having any of that!

So i pulled her up off my bed and i said "lets go" and she was all "no". So i lifted her shirt off of her and undid did her bra and she was all "steff no" but i could tell she didnt mean it cause she didnt try and stop me. So i unzipped her shorts and pulled them off of her and she was all "what are you doing" and i reached my fingers inside her panties and pulled them down and i took her hands and pulled her with me and she was all "no its too much" and i got her into the shower and closed the door and she was all "i am so wet steffi stop" hahahahaha! too bad, you need to suffer bekah!

so after we showered i snuggled up to her and she was saying "you are such a bitch tease steff" and i said "yeah but you like it" and she said "yeah i do" and we fell asleep

so that was my week!
Thanks for reading!

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