Wednesday, September 13, 2017

night thoughts

I'm tired and in bed and cannot sleep so I will write some thoughts.

People think I have it easy because I am hella cute and positive and have a lot of money and a huge house. But it hasn't all been so easy. A lot of people do not like me because I speak my mind and give my opinion blunt and to the point. A lot of people in my school resent me because dad and I have money and a lot of people in my school do not so they are jealous. They also think I am some sort of traitor because dad hired a vocal coach so i would lose my Appalachia accent. They think I turned my back on where I came from. Well DUH no shit I turned my back on it because it SUCKED!!!! You think I liked living in a trailer in poverty!?! NO! That accent was a constant reminder where I came from and dad did NOT want me to be forever re-judged because of how I talked. he went through a lot of shit because if his own accent in the business world and he did NOT want me to suffer the same.

Bessie (my basset hound) is very lazy. All she does is sleep. But it is ok because she is awesome in her own way. She is also very snuggly and has huge floppy ears which are SO cute.

Bekah is my BFF. I am so happy she is in my life. I LOVE teasing her, it gets her so frustrated it is adorable. But I also love the feeling of power I get from doing it. I love teasing her with little glimpses of myself and comments. then, when we are alone, I can torture her even more. But is also true I love sleeping cuddled up with her. I feel warm and safe and protected and loved. Even though she wants me, she knows she cannot cross that line, and she never even tries. That is why I will sleep in her arms, because I trust her not to try anything. I think it is the purest form of friendship you can have.

I made her tell me all the sexual things she wanted to do to me, I told her to go into detail of everything. She took an hour to paint a picture of what she would do to me. the whole time she was telling me i booped her on the nose of teased her hair. it was adorable.

ok now i am sleepy so i am going to bed.
Thanks for reading!

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