Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday stuff

So another Sunday comes to an end. It was an eventful day in the hella cute life of Steffi.

So I woke up this morning and called Bekah. I wanted to see how her "date" went and if she had lezbo sex. So she answers the phone all quiet and says "hey Steff". And I am all "So? do you dyke out?" and she says "I didn't go I cancelled the date."


So I am all "You cancelled? if you were going to cancel why didn't you just stay here with me!??!" And she said "I cancelled it as I was halfway to her house. I called and said my car was acting up and I had to reschedule. Then I just drove around a bit and went home."


So i say "Well why did u cancel? I thought you wanted to get lezbo fucked." And she said "After seeing you I just wasn't in the mood, I needed to be alone." And I said "OMG whatever, come over" and she said "I don't know" and I wasn't having ANY of that so I tell her to get her ass over my house like NOW.

So she comes over and dad is all "hey Bekah" and dad says that if we are going to hang out at the house we need to be fully clothed or stay upstairs because friends are coming over for football. SO Bekah comes up to my room and sits on my bed and I look at her and say "Ok, what the fuck is going on?" And she says "After seeing you it just put me in a mood, I can't explain. I just needed to be alone for a while, that is all."

OMG such a drama queen.

So I decided to be all kind and nurturing and I sit behind her and start rubbing her shoulders and am all "It's ok bekah, you are my BFF and even if you are a sinful lezbo I will still always be your BFF, I promise." So she says "that feels good" and I rub her shoulders harder and start massaging her neck. I leaned back on my bed and pull her down with me so she is laying in my arms as I massage her shoulders. I pull her hair back and lightly kiss the nape of her neck and she moans softly. So I massage her shoulders for like an hour, telling her she is my BFF forever as she just melts in my arms. After a while I hug her tight and and softly kiss the top of her head. I think she fell asleep but she is awake and she says to me "I really do love being your BFF, I was scared when we started talking that you'd tell everyone who I really am." and I said to her "I'll never tell, it is a secret until you want it out."

So she turns over and now she is lying on top of me and she says to me softly "Can we be naked?" and I say "sure". So I lift off my tank top and go to pull off my thong and she says "can I?' so I shake my head yes and she slowly puts her fingers under the fabric of my panties and pulls them off of me. She leans back and I spread my legs for her, giving her a full view. she sighed and said "you have no idea" and I replied "I do know, believe me i do". So she lifts off her shirt and takes her bra off. she pulls off her jeans and her panties. I reach up and grab her by the shoulders and pull her onto me. I wrap my legs around her waist and say "You will always be my bff" she she sighs and kisses the top of my head.

I snuggle up to her and wrap my legs tight around her waist.I can feel her pussy against mine and I slowly start to move my hips back and forth and up and down, just ever so lightly. I can feel how wet she is and I know its dripping inside of me. So I make little circle motions with my hips and Bekah moves her hips in response. I ran my hands all up and down her back at the same time. She buried her head in my shoulder as we continue to rub against each other for nearly an hour. Finally our movements get slower and slower and we snuggle together and fall asleep till about 3 pm.

We got up and she smiled and said "I would rather sleep next to you as a friend like that forever than let another girl touch me." so I hug her tight and say "yeah, me too."

so we get dressed and go downstairs and make lunch as dad and his friends watch football (I actually put sweatpants on believe it or not). We finished the day watching Tv and playing Call of Duty.

So back to school tomorrow...BOO!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

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