Friday, September 29, 2017

The weekend is here

So it is Friday and finally the weekend is here! We have a football game tomorrow and we are playing the defending state champs and that means will are going to get destroyed. Oh well, cheer squad will cheer out best like we always do!

Bekah was over today after I got home from school. she can go back Monday since her suspension is over. No one at school has said anything so far. So I talked to Bekah about it. I told her "I thought we agreed you were NOT a sinful lezbo anymore! WHY did you tell the principal you were?" and she was all "I didn't, I said what if I was a lesbian!" And I was all "Well my dad heard it as you admitting you were a crazed lezbo and now he suspects something is going on between us!" And she got all quiet and was all "And what did you say?" And I said "Nothing, he said he doesnt care what is going on, just to be careful and be ready for any stupid opinions or ideas of others."

So Bekah says "Why didn't you tell him about us?" And I was all "OMG Bekah tell him what? We are BFFs! He knows that!" And Bekah says "No i mean about what we do" And I roll my eyes and I am all "Oh yeah I am going to tell my dad we rub our pussies together all the time. Seriously Bekah, stop thinking like a sinful lezbo for a second. He probably already know what we do and he obviously doesn't mind so why bring it up?" And she gets all quiet and says "yeah, I guess so"

OH MY GOD she can be such a drama queen.

So I am all "Bekah, my dad has always trusted my judgement on everything, Why do you think he leaves us alone up here? He knows I am safe and I am ok. And he trusts you too or else you wouldnt be allowed to be with his precious baby daughter right?" And Bekah smiles and is all "Yeah. that is true."

So I climb up on her and sit on her lap with my legs around her waist and i put my arms around her and smile.

" were saying something the other day about my tits?"

She laughs and reaches under my shirt and lifts it off of me. She undos my bar and throws it to the floor. She looks at my tits and I say softly "Go ahead, I want this."

She bends her head to my tits and starts kissing them. she sucks on my nipples, taking them all the way into her mouth. I feel like electricity is shooting from my tits to my pussy and I lean my head back and moan softly as she kicks, bites, licks, and sucks at my tits for over an hour. I cradle her head in my hands like I am breastfeeding her and it feels so good, it feels like such an intimate bond.

I kiss her deeply and I left her shirt and pull her bra off. I am nervous but I lean in and take her tits in my mouth, I start kissing and sucking and licking them all over. She moans softly "oh God" as I go to town on her tits for a long time. We kiss deeply over and over again.

I want to undress her and rub ourselves together till we cum, but she has to go home. She gets dressed and I walk her to her car and kiss her goodnight. I know I will see her tomorrow but it hurts to watch her drive away.

I miss her already,

Thanks for reading!

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