Thursday, October 5, 2017

I am back

Sorry I haven't been blogging, a lot has been going on. I will fill you all in:

1. Our football team got destroyed by the defending state champs
2. I am still cute and positive
3. Bekah's parents want her out of the house when she turns 18 (which is in January). dad told her she can move in here with us YAY!
4. I haven't been playing WOWS that much, I am really into Elite Dangerous now.
5. School is still ok. My grades are good. dad said I need to start thinking about college and what the best school would be for me if I still want to become a vet (which I do).
6. Fencing is going great. We have a tournament in Richmond soon and I hope I do good.
7. Bessie had her teeth cleaned and it is funny when a dog gets their teeth cleaned because for like 2 days afterwards they are all licking their own teeth hahaha.

Everything with Bekah is great. We had a really intense passionate Saturday night. We were going at it for hours. I still haven't let her eat me or finger me yet, but i am feeling more comfortable with the idea. But she is patient and the things we do are very beautiful. I love being under her as we grind together and kiss. Just the intense feeling of bonding with her is something i cannot explain.

Anyway, that is all for now. i will write more this weekend.
Thanks for reading!

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