Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK day? WTF!

So there is no school today because it is Martin Luther King Day.

So there is a holiday for a guy who was a communist and a spousal abuser. And who's only claim to fame was getting his black ass shot.

Malcolm X did far more for civil rights than King ever did so where is HIS day?
Oh that's right....Malcolm X didn't kiss Jewish ass like King did.

Well whatever, I have the day off so I can catch up on some school work and stuff. It is cold as fuck outside and we have snow. It is nice around here with snow, the scenery is quite lovely BUT driving in it is all kinds of horrible. Dad hates driving in the snow. He bought a 4x4 Denali for use in the snow because he said even though the Audi is 4 wheel drive, he would rather be in a big 4x4 SUV than a car.

I like being outside in the snow. When I was very young, I would go outside and build a snow fort and dad and I would have a snowball war. Our old dog, Eva, loved the snow. She was a shepherd/ husky mix. She loved being outside in the snow and would chase the snowballs we threw at each other. She died of old age, she was 13. I cried a lot when she died because I grew up with her always being around. That is how we ended up with Bessie, our basset hound. A friend of dads had basset hound puppies and dad got her from there. I remember when he brought her home i was so excited, and I laughed at her long ears. I thought she was funny looking. She is lazy though, which basset hounds are, but it is ok because she is loyal and she guards the house. I mean, i dont know what she would do if there was any trouble...probably fall asleep to be honest, but i love her because she has a very cute personality.

Bekah and I saw Jumanji last night and it was awesome! I loved it, it was a very good movie. I was all snuggled up to Bekah in the theater and I felt so comfortable. Of course, I made her put her hands down the front of my jeans and rub my pussy, and THAT felt even better. I practically raped her in her car on the way home. I made her pull over behind this building I know is deserted and I pulled her jeans down and finger-fucked her hard till she came a few times.

So now I will spend the day doing stuff. Its back to school tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

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