Wednesday, May 23, 2018

I'll shill my blog where I want u tard

SO I haven't been on much lately, too busy with school and fencing and whatnot. So I was playing a quick game of World of Warships and I said in chat BEFORE THE MATCH STARTED "hey read my blog"

Well some self appointed fat neckbearded virgin starts REEEEEEEEE'ing "NO ADVERTISING! HURR DURR YOU ARE REPORTED!"


It was before the match started, I didn't spam, and yet this self appointed fat pedophile neckbeard gets his size 54 underwear in a bunch. I swear I bet he was spewing Cheetoh dust all over his laptop as his diabetic fingers typed.

This is why i hate most people and can only deal with a few select individuals. Snowflakes, fat neckbeards, soy boys, white trash, I hate them all.

Really the only people I truly bother with are Dad and Bekah.

sigh...I love Bekah so much. She is graduating this year and I still have a year of high school to go.

I can't wait till i am out of HS and can go to college and have her come with me so we can get an apartment and live together while I study to be a vet.

Thanks for reading!


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