Thursday, July 6, 2017

A cute day!

Today was a very cute and positive day for me and those I encountered. I worked 4 hours at the car wash and looked very cute in my shorts and lime green sleeveless half shirt. A woman said I was very pretty (I am glad she did not ask me to scissor!). I made people laugh with my jokes and it was a nice sunny day so everything was great!

So now I am home and in my room in my underwear and half-shirt just relaxing looking through the interwebz and listening to music. Dad has some friends over and they are watching baseball so I don't want to go downstairs since last time I did I embarrassed him because whenever I am home I only wear my underwear and a small half shirt. I am most comfortable in these two things and even though dad doesn't care I walked around the house like that (he is my dad so duh) he did say it is inappropriate for his friends to see it. I understand his point, guys being guys they will look and probably feel "something" seeing me like this even though I am 16 and they are all in their 40's. It is only natural an older man would desire a younger woman, it is simple biology. Younger girls are seen as potential breeding mates to a man, which is why you see so many older men with younger women.

Since I listen to my dad in all aspects I will stay up here till they are gone. It's ok, I have everything I need on the top floor of the house anyway so I don't have to go downstairs, I even have my own mini-fridge in my room full of green tea and cottage cheese and grapes, so I am good.

I will probably just relax some more and go to bed in an hour or so. The dog will eventually make her way up here, she sleeps in my room, she has her own comfy chair! And dad will eventually come in to say goodnight, he always does, even if I am asleep. sometimes he thinks I don't hear him but I always do. He kisses me on my head and says "goodnight my perfect gift from God". I pretend I am asleep if I am actually awake when he does this.

Anyway, that is it for today.

Thanks for reading!

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