Wednesday, July 5, 2017

All is great in Steffiland!

Life is great. It really is, well it is for ME I don't know how it is for you...maybe it sucks, I have no idea.

But being ME is fantastic! I am hella cute, very fit, have a loving dad, loads of money, live in a huge house, and have endless amounts of positive energy.

I guess I hit life's lottery jackpot. But it wasn't always this way. In the beginning we were below poverty level. Lived in a small travel trailer, never int he same place for than a few weeks. We lived like gypsies. I remember one Christmas in a truck stop somewhere in Montana. I remember watching Sesame Street in an office with some secretary of a company my Dad was making his sales pitch to. I remember what it was like to have nothing and how hard dad busted his ass to make life better for us.

I asked him once, when I was very young, "Daddy why do we live like we do?". And I remember he smiled and kissed the top of my head and said "So one day YOU won't have to".

I like to think God rewarded dad and I for all the sacrifices that were made. I like to think God rewarded dad by sending him sch an awesome daughter like me!

I feel I am blessed, not just with my looks but with my attitude. People like to hate on me because I am cute, fit, and have money. They automatically assume I am a bitch, a whore, and my dad made his money illegally. They do not even bother to get to know me. Much like the fat neckbearded fools on World of Warships (like fat stalker Chobittsu and his boyfriend tcbaker777), these subhumans see beauty and success and seek to destroy it out of jealousy and intolerance.

It doesn't matter though, I see the world through my eyes and my eyes are cute and full of positivism.
They can sit at their greasy laptops with their hotpockets and mountain dew and screech their piggy screeches all they want, it falls upon deaf ears!

Anyway, today is car wash day followed by fencing practice. I hope you all have a cute and positive day!

Thanks for reading!

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