Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I think this qualifies as child abuse!

So I was washing cars today, looking all hella cute and making tips and generally enjoying my day, when this minivan pulls up to get washed and I was literally sickened to my stomach.

Out of the van waddled this huge morbidly obese woman, I mean she was at least 450 pounds. And her three kids, all of whom were under the age of 10, were also HUGELY overweight. The three kids all had bags from MC Donald's and were SHARING a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. The mother was smoking and had her own large bag from MC Donald's.

Now...ok...I understand people can be overweight, not everyone can be hella cute and fit like me, but this was NOT just overweight, this was life-threatening obesity! And her kids were HUGELY overweight with massive fat rolls on their bodies. The inside of their van was littered with discarded garbage and other fast food bags.

I wash the outside of the vehicles, the insides are done afterwards and the guys who clean the insides were complaining about the smells and the amount of garbage they had to dispose of. The whole time we were washing her vehicle, this woman and her 3 kids sat at the picnic table and chowed down on their Big Macs (they ALL had Big Macs), passing around the bottle of Dr Pepper.

I am sorry but I think this is child abuse, Letting yourself get that fat is your own choice, but letting your children get so obese that they can barely walk is something totally different. They are in for a lifetime of health issues and ridicule from their school mates and others.

After reflecting on this situation, I did what I felt I needed to do. I took down their license plate number and called child services, informing them of this gross neglect.

We are raising a generation of children raised on fast food and other unhealthy things. It is disgusting and immoral. And in the long run their health issues will bankrupt this nation. I think I did the right thing.

Thanks for reading!

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