Saturday, July 8, 2017

Beach observations

I was at the beach today and I made some observations:

Very large fat people should NOT wear small swimsuits. It is disgusting and ruins the view of the beach. Honestly, why would you embarrass yourself by exposing as much of your obesity as possible? I would think you would be ashamed and want to get into shape rather than flaunt your fat rolls.

The amount of vulgar behavior at the beach is troubling. People making out on the sand, in the water, practically on top of each other! Stuff like that is for the marital bed NOT the beach!!

Seeing good looking blonde haired blue eyed girls with ghetto thugs is disgusting. I do not know if they are doing it for shock value or they like being treated like trash, or maybe they just do it to piss off their fathers. These types of relationships always end in violence or pregnancy or STD's, statistics prove it. Just stick with your OWN people.

Sand gets everywhere! I showered a little while ago but I still think I have some sand between my cute little toes.

Dad's hair gets very grey in the sun. Like, its already grey (he says its because of me hahahah very funny) but in the sun it gets even more salt/pepper grey.

I have to be careful in the sun. My skin is kinda pale and I burn very easily. So it is SPF 30 for me!

Seagulls will steal your food if you leave it out in the open and unattended.

That is all for today. I am going to watch Mad Max Fury Road and then go to sleep.

Thanks for reading!

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