Sunday, July 9, 2017

This is disgusting

This is why I am so glad I am Orthodox Christian:

This whole transgender thing is a total lie. You cannot change your gender, PERIOD. You are born a man or a woman, CASE CLOSED. If you want to consider yourself the opposite gender of what you are, hey go ahead...but do NOT expect the rest of civilized society to go along with it. You can dress up and get all the surgery you want, but until you can change your DNA at the freaking cellular level then you ARE the gender you were born into, and NO amount of words or ceremonies will ever change that.

You want to be gay? Ok, I don't care, it is a free country. You want to dress up as the opposite sex and all? Go ahead, do whatever you want, it is a free country. Do you want to LEGALLY change your gender and force yourself into bathrooms opposite the gender you were born to?


A line has to be drawn somewhere and this is it. I do not want to be in some public bathroom when a 6 foot 300 pound ghetto thug in a wig comes in to use the women's toilet because he "feels like a woman" that day. ALL he is in there for is to try and get at my precious white Christian virginity and it is NOT happening. It is immoral, disgusting, and vulgar. These transgender types are a lot like bronies and obsessed neck bearded anime freaks: mentally ill. As a matter of fact, we should treat transgender-ism as a mental illness and either get them treatment or lock them away from civilized society. Bronies too, they are also mentally ill. Neck beards just need to stop watching so much anime and lose weight.

Anyway, rant over. I will write something more cute and positive later!

Thanks for reading!

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