Sunday, July 9, 2017

It is tiring

It is hard sometimes to be so upbeat and positive and cute when people just want to throw toxicity and ugliness at you. I am still being sexually harassed on World of Warships by Chobittsu and Flieger56. I am only 16 and yet I have to suffer crude and immoral attacks by grownups who want nothing more than to tear down my positive outlook on life and infect me with their hate and negativity.

Sometimes I think it isn't worth it and I should just stop playing the game that I love so much, but that would give those people a victory and they will sit in their basements with their hot pockets and mountain dew and goat to each other.

I do not understand how such a large company such as Wargaming tolerates underage girls being sexually harassed by adults on their forums, but they do. I wonder how they would feel as a target of a lawsuit? I wonder how many of those disgusting neckbeards would hiss and go crawling back into the darkness from whence they came?

It is sad that something so fun as WOWS is being ruined by a select group of sexual predators who seem like they are being protected by certain forum mods. I can only imagine the sick, twisted things that must go through their heads and I wonder how many other female players on the game they are harassing.

I am going to go to bed now. I hope tomorrow will be more cute and positive.

Thanks for reading!

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