Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chobittsu just won't learn will he

So as readers of this blog may know, World of Warships user Chobittsu (a 26 or so year old fat neckbeard who worships anime and has been accused of many illegal activities) has been sexually harassing me on the WOWS forums. Despite my many reports to the forum admins, his account has not been warned or blocked or sanctioned. There are a numerous users on WOWS forums who are "protected" by their admin friends, Chobittsu being one of them. However, these admins are also clueless neckbearded anime freaks (not all but most) so they have NO idea what the real world legal system is like, but they are about to find out.

You see, you cannot go on harassing a 16 year old girl without some sort of legal blow back, and Chobittsu is about to face his. The cruel, and sexually perverse messages Chobittsu leaves for me here and on the forums are all I need to drop the hammer of the law on his fat neckbearded ass.

Also, thanks to an anonymous tip from someone who has had run ins with Chobittsu, I have now in my possession certain damning information that will make this fat pedo-fuck wish he had never been born.

But now, for something cute!


Thanks for reading!

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