Thursday, July 13, 2017

Random stuff

So I found this video saying how this perverse upskirt thing (Chobittsu is probably into this since he likes to harass underaged girls) is PROTECTED SPEECH!?!?!? WTF IS THIS SHIT!?!??!

This is gross beyond measure. People who takes these pics are more than likely fat neckbearded basement dwellers.

And then I found this. Apparently two lezbos who somehow got married (which is total BS, marriage is between a man and woman) are suing a sperm bank because they were given BLACK SPERM and had a BLACK BABY.

I don't know why anyone would want a kid like this, especially a lezbo one. There is just so much wrong with this.

And finally, this video. This shows the ugly and genocidal behavior of Muslim refugees destroying Christian Europe. This is what happens when sub-human savages are let into civilized society. I always wanted to visit Europe but not anymore, these Muslim scum would be after my precious white Christian virginity.

Thanks for reading!

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