Sunday, July 2, 2017


So dad and I decided to set off some early 4th of July fireworks tonight. Dad has been getting them ready all day and as soon as the sun sets, we are going to set them off.

We had that Chilean Sea Bass (in reality Patagonian Toothfish) today and I have to see it was DAMN good. I can see why they market it as a sea bass, because it is damn tasty. MMM MMM good.

No car wash for me today, tomorrow I will go after fencing training. I might play WOWS in a bit. Its ranked season 7 and, as usual, I get stuck on a team of potatoes and noobs who do not know what they are doing and as a result, my ranking suffers. I don't think morons or noobs should be allowed to play ranked but, whatever.

That is about it for now. I will write more tonight.

Thanks for reading!

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