Monday, July 3, 2017

Why are people so jealous and bitter

I do not understand why people have to be so jealous and bitter towards me. Look, I was BORN hella cute, and I work out a LOT, so I deserve to have the body I do. I train fencing EVERY DAY. I do epic cardio, yoga, tai chi, OF COURSE I AM GOING TO BE FIT!! Why do ugly unfit bitter people look at people like me and automatically HATE?

Newsflash: if you are out of shape you CAN change that. All it takes is a firm commitment to change and a healthier lifestyle.  Put down the hot pockets and Mountain Dew, PICK UP some water and kale salad! Get off of your computer and get ON a bike. Stop running around in COD and start WALKING through your neighborhood! Jesus Christ it is NOT that difficult to get started.

"Oh its genetics"...BULLSHIT....genetics didn't tell you to order a Big Mac or eat 7 slices of pizza or sit all day in your room playing video games. And now, because you are unfit and you feel ugly you will lash out at people like me, who devote time and effort to maintain our looks and fitness...all because you are TOO DAMN LAZY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

And as far as looks go...well I admit, a part of how good looking you are IS genetics...and I was blessed with fine genetics as far as THAT goes....but the other half of looks is totally within your control:

maintain a healthy level of fitness
eat healthy foods
wash and condition your hair
take care of your skin
take care of your teeth

THAT is the other half of the equation. I have met many people who SHOULD be cute as all hell but they didn't take care of their teeth or had messy hair or never washed their faces and had zits...and it cancelled out their genetic good looks.

So now they are fat and ugly and instead of looking in the mirror and saying "I need to change this for the better" they instead say "this is everyone else's fault but MINE and I need to lash out"

YOU are to blame for your own situation, not the world.

Thanks for reading!

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