Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday Monday....

So another Monday is in the books in the cute and positive life of Steffi.

Today was a good day all things considered. I have to write a paper in English, boo!! History was fun, and in Biology we are going to dissect a shark! OMG that is gonna be cool TBH. There is a meeting tonight to discuss our football coach as many parents have complained he has no idea wtf he is doing.

A lot of the players need to have good games to show off for college recruiters. For a lot of people here, that football scholarship is their ticket out of poverty and into a college they could never afford otherwise and it looks BAD if your team has a losing record or your coach is an idiot.

It is also rough to cheer for a team that gets clobbered every week. I mean, yeah we try and be upbeat  and positive but when your coach calls plays that an autistic brony wouldn't even call, you know there is a problem at hand.

So I was in the cafeteria and suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulders, I turned around ready to punch someone in the face and I saw it was Bekah! I was so happy I jumped in her arms and was all "OMG my BFF". She doesn't eat lunch the same time I do, but she was going to her next class and saw me and wanted to say hi. It made my day I was so happy to see her!

We didn't have gym class today so we didn't get to shower together. Boo! She is my shower buddy.
But she sent me a instant message:

missed seeing your naked self at gym :p

Hahaha! That was sweet. Her sexuality doesn't bother me, I know she looks at me with desire but it is ok, I told her I didn't mind or felt weird about it.

So all my homework is done and I am playing some WOWS for a bit before I go off to bed. I bought that Graf Zeppelin German CV that everyone hates, but I think it is pretty effective.

Thanks for reading!

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