Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I am in bed and I am very sleepy. I just got done chatting with Bekah on messenger. I miss her not being here.

I was thinking of what to buy her. i want to get her a gift but I am having trouble deciding what kind of gift. We were chatting tonight about her sexuality and she explained to me there are 3 types of lesbians (which I didn't realize!):


Butch lesbians look, dress, act, and talk like men. Bekah said they have short crew cut hair, don't wear makeup, wear pants never dresses or skirts, and are usually heavier or bulkier.

Femme is the total opposite. They look, act, dress, and are otherwise indistinguishable from straight women. They usually are VERY fit, wear more expensive clothes, and are very good looking.

Tomboy is a combination of the 2. Bekah said that is what she considers herself. A Tomboy will wear flannel and jeans and boots like a butch, but has long hair, wears makeup, and acts and talks like a Femme. She pics of the three types:

she said if I was a lesbian (which I am totally NOT btw) I would be a femme type.

So based on all this information I was thinking of something toboyish for her. I was going to buy her some nice panties BUT she wears guys boxers as underwear. I guess that is a tomboy lezbo thing.

So instead I decided to buy her a few Neff beanies and a flannel shirt. I think she will like them.

She also said you can tell whats up with lesbian couples based on their types. Like a Butch-Butch couple will usually last a lifetime as they are straight up 100% sure of their sexuality but their may be issues with both trying to be "alpha" or the man in the pairing.

A Femme-Butch couple is usually a disaster because in this situation the femme isn't really a lesbian but is bisexual or only THINKS she is a lesbian which is why she goes for a masculine looking woman.

Femme-Femme and Tomby-Femme couples are the most stable pairings apparently. Femme-Femmes work because they are both good looking and are more like best friends who happen to have sex. Tomboy-Femme works because the tomboy has just enough masculinity to be "the man" while still being 100% female and the femme is not threatened by this. It is all very confusing.

This is why I prefer to be with NO ONE. It is too complicated!

Ok I am off to bed!
Thanks for reading!

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