Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Never mind the way I talk!

So without going into long boring details, lets just say I have a very SLIGHT accent. I will clarify.
I was born in a very VERY poor area of Appalachia. My great grandparents fled Berlin after WW2 and settled in coal country. That is where dad and the woman who gave birth to me were from: a dirt poor town somewhere (I will not say where) in Appalachia.

Anyway after I was born and the woman who gave birth to me left dad and I, dad drove us all over the country building his business. Part of the reason dad struggled so much was because of his Appalachia coal country accent. No one took him seriously because of it because of the stereotype of people from that area being stupid. They just assumed he was some uneducated mountain hillbilly who didn't know anything.

It angered dad a lot and so when I started talking with the same accent (because I was around him 24/7 I naturally picked up on how he talked) he made the decision to change it. As soon as his business hit and he became wealthy he hired a dialect teacher to "break" my accent. He did not want me to go through the same struggles and face the same discrimination he faced because of how he sounded.

So for a few years I was "re-taught" how to speak less "coal country". Eventually I progressed as far as I could and I lost about 90% of my accent.

I have a very SLIGHT very soft "mountain folk" type accent now. It comes out more when I am angry but most of the time no one can really pinpoint what it is or where its from. I actually have gotten compliments on it, so that is good.

Dad and my uncle still have their full accents. So does my Grandpa. So when they visit I have a hard time understanding them! My grandpa is all "Steffi what happened to your voice?' in a joking way.

I am writing all this because SOME PEOPLE (Mandy) like to talk shit at school saying stupid stuff like "Oh Steffi is an exchange student from a coal mine".

Well FUCK YOU MANDY you fat TJ MAXX wearing ho! You are still just jealous because instead of Cheer Squad you got asked to put on the uniform of the school mascot because you are so fat now!

I swear to God I will CUT MANDY if she keeps talking smack about me and dad.

Thanks for reading! (except for you Mandy, fuck you!)

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