Tuesday, March 13, 2018

random stuff

Not much going on. Its snowing like crazy here, I thought winter was over! Boooo!

I wanted to build a snowman but its way too cold and windy. Why can't it be a nice calm snow like I see at Christmas on the Hallmark Channel? I don't have time for no blizzard!

Thank God our pool is indoors so I can still go swimming or sit in the hot tub. Its kind of peaceful to be floating in our pool while looking outside at the howling wind and snow. Bessie hates the snow because her ears are too long and they get all cold. Plus she is low to the ground so its hard for her to get around in it. Poor basset hound :(  She runs outside, does her business, then runs back in and I have to dry her off so she doesn't bring wet dog smell into the house. I usually dry her off in the pool area then she will hang out by the gas fireplace and sleep before I will let her back into the house.

The pool area (or porch, I don't know what the proper term is) is all insulated from the cold so we can swim all year round. The pool is here, plus the hot tub and the gas fireplace and a few couches and chairs and a table and a 55 inch TV. I like being out here because I can look at the snow but still be warm and cozy.

Bekah used that strap on thing that shoots fake cum on me again. She asked if we could use it again and I said sure, it was kinda hot last time. So she put it on and made me suck it like i was giving her a blowjob. I sucked on it for  along time as she ran her fingers through my hair. Then she got on top of me and pushed it deep in me and started fucking me with it. She plowed me for a long ass time, like over an hour. I must have cum 4 times. Finally she pushed the button on it as she was cumming and it shoot loads of that fake cum deep inside me. It was warm and felt so hot. It was really intimate. Afterwards we lay wrapped around each other as the fake cum leaked out of me and we kissed.

Anyway, thats all for now. Thanks for reading!

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