Friday, July 21, 2017

Yay for the weekend!!!

Yay the weekend is here! I am sure it will bring many cute and positive things. Love and cuteness always win out over ugliness and hate, remember that!

Monday dad and I head to Vancouver, Canada eh? It should be fun, I have never been to Vancouver and I am excited at the prospect of many new cute and positive things I will see there. We fly out Monday morning...FIRST CLASS! Yay! I flew first class a few times when i was very young, but this will be the first time I will actually be able to enjoy it for what it is. I like flying, I only get nervous during the take off and landing....but, God will protect me and dad so I am not worried!

This weekend I do not work at the car wash because I have to go shopping for stuff to wear to Vancouver and Sunday is some sort of Church picnic, which I am excited about because there will be HORSES!!! YAY!!!! It will be a lot of fun. Horses are beautiful, I wish I had one but dad said after what happened to that guy who used to play Superman that he would never let me ride one. I guess I understand, I do not want to fall and end up a cripple. I would rather die than be handicapped in any way.

Also dad and I are going to the movies this weekend. First we will see Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets on Saturday, and Sunday night we will see Dunkirk. I am hoping he will take us to Outback (my favorite place). I will just go all puppy dog eyes at him and stuff until I get my works 9 times out of 10.

I saw my ex BFF Mandy today while I was out with dad at the supermarket. She was waddling across the parking lot looking all fat and nasty. dad said "isn't that Mandy?" And I was all "Yeah we better stay away or we will get caught in her gravitational pull". Dad said it wasn't nice to make fun of her and that he remembered when her and I were inseparable. And I was all "Yeah well that was before she got fat and jealous that I made cheer squad and she didn't."

Fat people are lazy. I mean, NO ONE is holding a gun to your head forcing you to over do it to yourselves because you are WEAK minded and lazy. So I have NO sympathy for someone fat. GO ON A DIET AND WORK OUT!

Thanks for reading!

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