Thursday, August 31, 2017

Football means Steffi is BANISHED!

Well its Thursday night football and as usual, poor Steffi is banished to the upstairs while dad and his friends watch the game. dad said that if I put some clothes on, I could watch with everyone, but I like being in my underwear when I am home and I refuse to change just because his friends are here. So I will stay up here and relax while they get their football on.

Remember some time ago i wrote about a woman who wanted to scissor me and I didnt know what the term meant at the time? Well I asked Bekah about it and she was all "WTF hahaha really, she asked you to scissor?" So I asked her if she ever did it and she told me she had, many times. I asked her what it was like and she said it was really intense and that you could orgasm multiple times doing it, plus it was very intimate. She asked me what I felt about it and I told her flat out I found the idea of sexual contact with either gender to be disgusting and gross. She asked me why I felt this way and I told her I just did and that I couldn't explain it, it was just something I found gross.

She then said "Ok if that is true WHY do you like being naked with me and showing yourself off to me in a very intimate manner?"

And I told her it was for HER benefit because I know she wants me but can never have me so it's a gift I can give her. Plus it makes me feel empowered to do that and look at her watching me.

She shook her head and laughed and said "That is all kinds of crazy fucked up but, whatever, it's what makes you so fucking adorable."

OMG she thinks I am adorable! yay!

Anyway, that is about all for now. I may write more later, who knows!

Thanks for reading!

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