Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Night stuff

So it is Friday night and Bekah is staying over (yay!)

The look on her face when she walked into my house was priceless. Her jaw was on the ground and she was all "omg you live here?" hahaha!

So I took her by the hand and gave her a tour of the house. She was all "what does your dad do?"
So i told her the story of me and dad and how we ended up here. She was all "My god this place is epic, i want to move in". that was so sweet :)

So dad made nachos and we ate and talked and stuff. Now dad is downstairs with his friends watching baseball and AS USUAL I am banished to the second floor because of my walking around in my underwear habit. Bekah was surprised by it. We went upstairs with the nachos and stuff to watch a movie and she was all "Why are you getting undressed?" and I told her this is how I walk around the house, it's just my thing. Then i was all "You shower with me and see me naked like almost every day what is the big deal?" and she was all "well, no big deal I guess."

Hahaha I made her blush. so I told her if she wanted she could walk around in her underwear too so she got undressed.

so now I am writing this as she plays COD. I bought that new CV on WOWS that everyone hates. I dont know why they hate it, I think it's pretty good. I guess because that stupid Little White Mouse chick hates it the lemmings who fall on her every word have to hate it as well.

So I played a few games with it and it has a steep learning curve but it IS effective if you just have patience and recognize what she can and cannot do Too many people just want an instant I WIN button (like Little White Mouse, who actually is a horrible player) instead of having to THINK and STRATEGIZE.

Tomorrow is game 2 of our football season and we will probably get clobbered again. I am sure Mandy will also screw up being the school mascot. But it won't matter, i will look hella cute in my cheer outfit and will try and spread positive vibes.

Ok I am going to go play more WOWS and then head to bed. Bekah is supposed to sleep in the guest room but I am going to ask her if she wants to sleep in my room. I have a king sized bed so there is room for Bessie, my basset hound.

Thanks for reading!

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