Saturday, August 26, 2017

Saturday cuteness day!

Another Saturday! The last Saturday of August.

So Bekah has been here since Friday. We stayed up late watching movies on Netflix and playing a few video games. Around 2am we were both tired and decided to call it a night. So I was all "You can stay here with me, you dont have to stay in the guest room." And she was all "are you sure? I mean, you know what I mean." So I told her I was ok with it and I trusted her. So I grabbed a few extra pillows and we flopped into my bed. Then Bessie jumped up and tried to snuggle between us and I was all "oh no, go sleep at the foot of the bed." Bekah was laughing because Bessie was trying to lick her face. It was very cute! So we finally fell asleep and it was very nice and comfortable having her there instead of down the hall.

So we woke up at 9am because it was game day! I had a bad feeling we would get clobbered again but, I am on cheer squad so I have to try and motivate everyone. So We woke up and had breakfast that dad made (I would have burnt the house down) and he ran out quick to get stuff for the big fight tonight. SO we went upstairs and I was all "Time to shower and get ready." So I grab my robe and head into the bathroom and turn the shower on and I am all "You coming?" and Bekah is like "What? What are you talking about?" And I explain to her that we always shower together. And she was like "But that is at school, we aren't at school." And I said to her "But, we are shower buddies!" And she laughed and said "You are crazy." And she got undressed in front of me and got into the shower with me. So the conversation went like this:

Bekah: You know what I am so why do you want me in here?

Me: Look, I am confident enough in my own sexuality that I can shower with you and not be bothered by it. Besides, I KNOW you are attracted to me and YOU know I am NOT a lesbian, so I feel bad I can't return those feelings. Showering with you is sort of my way of giving you something, because I know you like it."

And she just looked at me and said "You know that is crazy fucked up but also probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

I honestly feel bad I can't return those feelings that she has. But that is life. So I made sure to give her a good look at me. I even bent over deep for her  while washing my legs to give her a good view. I leaned against the shower wall and soaped myself up and rinsed myself off while she watched me, It actually felt empowering, I guess like how a stripper must feel knowing a guy is watching her but can't touch her.

It was honestly sexy as all hell.

Anyway, after all that we got dressed and it was time for the game. I cheered my heart out and even that idiot Mandy didn't fuck up this time as the school mascot.


This sucks. A lot of the guys want to go play for WVU and they won't be able too if our team keeps losing. This stinks!!!

So dad took us to Outback for dinner, which was great. He likes Bekah and told me it was about damn time I got a friend.

So now both Bekah and I are banished upstairs as dad and his friends watch that big fight. Bekah and I will watch it up here when it goes on. Right now she is playing League of Legends and I am writing this blog because TBH I think LOL sucks ass.

I will write again later.

Thanks for reading!

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