Saturday, August 19, 2017

Random things

They found the wreck of the USS Indianapolis.

USS Indianapolis found!!!

I think that is pretty cool. If you have ever seen Jaws you know what this scene means:

18000 feet down! That is very far!

In other news, our football team got clobbered today. Our new Coach sucks. he was a "diversity hire" if you know what I mean. Our old coach retired and instead of promoting the assistant coach, who was his assistant for 7 years and everyone likes him, they got some outsider who never even lived in this state or coached any team sport to be coach because of....well you know..."DIVERSITY".

This guy doesn't even know the rules of the game apparently. I am no football expert, but even I know you do NOT call a timeout 10 seconds before the two minute warning on second down with 30 seconds left on the play clock. You also do NOT call for a PASS from the SHOTGUN on first and inches from the damn GOAL LINE!!!

OMG they need to fire this....well I won;t say it but it rhymes with GO FIGURE.

My ex BFF Mandy got asked to be the school mascot because she fits in the outfit. I was surprised she agreed to it, but it was probably because she knows she will never get on cheer squad being so FAT! of course, she totally screwed everything up! She was SUPPOSED to grab a set of pompoms and do a sort of funny cheer but instead she tried doing a cartwheel and the head of the mascot fell off and she landed on her fat ass and the whole crowd was laughing at her. I swear to God that girl can't do anything right!

I need to have a talk with this 12th grade lesbian girl. She was at the game today and OF COURSE I see her looking at me and smiling and waving. WTF!!! It is bad enough I have to shower with her after gym class, knowing she is looking at my fit body and fantasizing about bending me over, pulling down my thong, and eating me out from behind. I may have to tell a teacher that I do NOT feel comfortable with her lusting after me.

Dad and I went to is my favorite place to eat! Yummy! Now he is watching football with his friends and I am upstairs banished to the second floor because I walk around constantly in my underwear. Boo! Its MY house I can wear what I want!!! :( :( :(

Thanks for reading!

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