Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bronies and furries in MY SCHOOL!?!? I THINK NOT!!!!!

OMFG the cancer that is brony/furry fandom has infected my high school.

So I had to to stay after school to work on a science project and after I finished I had like 20 minutes before Bekah finished and we could leave so I was walking though the halls to go visit the old janitor, who is a good friend of mine...when what do my hella cute eyes see but a roomful of BRONIES AND FURRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I nearly threw up. One of the rooms was full of bronies in their MLP t-shirts and people in costume as animals (Furries)...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! So I act all cool and I walk into the room and say "hey everyone, cool outfits, whats going on?"

Well they were super excited I guess that a normal person was talking to them. One of the bronies, a really thin pasty skinned girl with horned rim glasses smiled at me and said "We formed a brony/furry fandom club for school. This is our first meeting! Are you planning on joining?"

And I was all "Uh, no I was just curious because of the outfits, which are cool btw. Hey, good luck on your club! I think its great that you guys have a safe space to go to!" and they all said thanks and I left.

ok.....ok...breathe Steffi do NOT go all into rage mode.

SO I decide I have to stop this bullshit like NOW so I go to the Principals office and let myself in.
The Principal sees me and rolls his eyes and says "Hello Miss (REDACTED) what is it this time?"
And I inform him of this immoral gathering of furry and brony deviants. And he says "Steffanie, I approved this club. All they do is talk about that show and make outfits to wear they are harmless." And I say to him "OH NO NO NO!, that is totally incorrect!"

So I whip out my phone and pull up all of the information I can about the degeneracy of bronies and furries. I show the Principal and ask him how he can allow such deviant perversions in our school?

SO he just sighs and says "I will look into it ok? but I am sure these particular folks are harmless. Not everyone in that fandom is a 'deviant' as you put it."

So I remind him who my dad is and how much money he has donated to this school and ask how else they could have gotten computers for the lab or all that scientific equipment in the biology lab. I tell him it would look bad if it got out our school supported bronies and furries.

So I finished up and go wait for Bekah. She walks outside and sees me and smiles and says "hey bff". And I am all "Hey bff" and we get into her car and start the drive to my house. I am wearing a mini skirt so I pull it up a little and open my legs to tease her and she laughs and is all "Steff you just can;t help it can you? You really want me to find a place to park where we can be alone and jump on you and grind like we did yesterday?" And I smile and say "Sure." So she gets all quiet and says "You serious?" and I say "Yes, I want to do it again. I want to do it every chance we get. I loved bonding with you like that, it just strengthens our total and absolute friendship"

So we drive to this part of the woods behind an old building I know no one goes to. I reach over and undo Bekah's zipper and pull her shorts off. I pull her panties down and she reaches under my skirt and runs her fingers up and down my thighs. She reaches under my thong and pulls it off. She climbs over to the passenger seat and mounts me as I wrap my legs around her waist. I am already wet and I can feel her pussy against mine. She starts rubbing her pussy against mine and I match the movements of her hips, She gasps loudly and I can feel her suddenly get VERY wet and that makes me just grind harder and she grinds back and the car is shaking as we go at it. I run my hands down to her ass and grab her ass cheeks and pull them apart as far as I can. She moans loud "Oh fuck" and leans down and bites my neck. This makes me pull her ass cheeks apart even harder as she bites my neck. She pounds and grinds against me hard and fast and we are both sweating and moaning. Suddenly she says "fuck I am going to cum" and I tell her "cum for me" and she loses control and starts having an orgasm. She cries out and buries her head on my shoulder as she grinds furiously against me as she cums. finally she slows down and stops and I kiss her face and tell her she is my BFF.
We laid there for a bit settling down and she says to me "for someone who claims she isnt a lesbian, you fuck like one." Well i am NOT having any of that lezbo shit so i say angrily "Bekah I am NOT a fucking lesbian ok? Lesbians are sinful and immoral. What we are doing is bonding as friends. We are not making out, we are not eating each other or fingering or anything. And don't you ever call what we do 'fucking" again or I will smack the shit out of you and never talk to you again."

So she gets all quiet and hurt looking and says softly "Im sorry" And I say "You better be, now get off of me I need to go home."

So she gets off of me and i put my thong back and and she drives me home without saying a word. I get out of the car and I say "remember what I said ok? I am serious. I will smack the fuck out of you and never talk to you again. We BOND we do NOT fuck. Get it?" And she says "I get it" and I smile and hug her and say "Good! I will talk to you in a bit."

Well that is all for now, I have to shower.
Thanks for reading!

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