Wednesday, August 23, 2017

So I guess we are friends now

So I am lying in bed after doing homework and I am all tired from fencing. I just showered and pretty much was ready for bed when i get a friend request on FB. This is odd because I have only a few people on FB because its stupid. 90% of my friends are relatives.

So I look and its Bekah. Bekah is the lesbian girl from 12th grade. Bekah isn't her real name, I made it up to protect her identity cause no one needs to know her sexual orientation. I look at the request and I am all "What am i supposed to do about this?". So I decided to accept her request and she starts a chat with me thanking me for keeping her sexuality a secret and stuff.

So I start chatting with her and the next thing I know its 3 hours later and we had been chatting non-stop.

I don't know how that happened. We just started chatting and we apparently have a lot in common. Her family started out in poverty like I did. She plays video games and likes techno and trance. She said she first realized she was a lesbian when she first kissed a boy when she was 13 and felt nothing, but then kissed her friend on a dare and was all like hit by lightning.

I told her i didn't care about her sexuality and that if she was cool with me NOT being a lezbo then I wouldn't mind her being one. she said she wants to be friends and so I guess we are friends now. We exchanged phone numbers and added each other to Instagram and Snap Chat.

She told me she didn't agree with people who say I am an anti-social stuck up bitch. she said there is nothing wrong with wanting to be alone and having only a few close people. I was all "OMFG I know right!" It made me happy to hear someone actually AGREE with me about this.

I invited her over this weekend to meet dad. he has been wanting me to make friends so this should make him happy. Actually, I am going to ask if she can spend the weekend. It would be fun, we could make nachos and watch movies and swim in the pool and stuff.

It's actually nice to have a friend.

Thanks for reading!

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