Sunday, September 17, 2017


Its around 1am Saturday night and I can't sleep so I will write a blog entry.

So Bekah was over today. After the football game (which we won, YAY!) Bekah drove me home. dad went with his friends to some fishing show, I have no idea, so it was me and Bekah in my house. We went up to my room (I was still in my cheer outfit) and I was all happy because we won. I plopped down on my bed and asked Bekah if she liked my cheers and she said yes. So i asked her what she wanted to do and she said she couldn't stay late because she had a DATE TONIGHT.

What the actual fuck......

So I am all "Who the hell are you having a date with?" and she says "This girl I know from a few towns over, we met online and I haven't seen her in a while so I am going to go see her and we are going out." So I am all "Is she a lesbian too?!?!" and Bekah says "yes." I ask her if she is going to have lezbo sex with her and she says "I hope so."


So I am mad so I am all "Fine, whatever". I mean, whatever she is a lezbo and I am not but she is still MY BFF which means I COME FIRST....omfg...she needs to learn this. SO Bekah is all "Are you ok? are you mad?" and I am all "No, do whatever you want, go be lezbo if you must."

So Bekah sits next to me and says "Steff, you keep telling me you AREN'T a lesbian, but you are acting all mad and jealous that I have a date. What the hell is wrong?" so I turn over on my back and I say "You are my BFF, I should come first." So she says "You are also my BFF and you DO come first but I also need to date and be with other girls like me sometimes."

So I say "But I wanted to spend tonight with you!" and she says " I know but I also have a life too, and I have to live it, you need to understand." I wanted her to stay with me so i slowly start to open my legs and I am all "stay with me" and she says "Steff, stop it. That is not going to work this time. You always tease me and show me yourself but you wont give me yourself, that is why I am going out with someone tonight." So I say "I dont give you myself because I am NOT a lesbian!"

So Bekah lays down on her back next to me and stares up at the ceiling and says "I know you aren't, but I AM and I need to be with my own kind sometimes."

So I get a bright idea. I flip over and sit on her waist, straddling her. And I say "Ok but first I want to shower with you." and she is all "No Steff, no teasing." And I put my hands under her shirt to lift it up and she is FIGHTING ME and is all "Stop Steff". So I keep trying to lift her shirt up and she keeps stopping me and I am all "I want to see you" and she is all "Steff, no, its too much for me."

So I try to unbutton her shorts and unzip them and she tries stopping me and I am all "I want to see your pussy" and she is all "NO, cmon Steff" so I keep trying to unbutton and unzip her and she keeps trying to stop me. So I pin her arms down and I lean right up into her face and I say "I want to see your pussy before you let that lesbian eat it" and she says "Steff, no" So I say "I KNOW you will be thinking of me while she eats you, admit it." And she gets this look on her face and quietly says "Yes." So I say "So let me see your pussy then." And I try pulling her pants off and she keeps trying to stop me, but not as much as before.

SO I say to her "I know when she is eating your pussy and licking inside you, you will be imagining its me. But it never will be, all you'll ever be able to do is dream about it." And she softly says "I know." So again i say "Let me see your pussy" and this time she doesnt fight me. I unbuttoned her jeans shorts and unzipped them and pulled them off of her. I can see her panties are soaking wet, so I say "I know this is turning you on, you are all wet." and she softly says "Yes." so I run my fingers across her stomach and inside her panties and I can feel her wetness on my fingers and I pull her panties off. I lift her shirt up and undo her bra and now she is naked underneath me.

So i say to her "From now on whenever I want to see you naked do NOT fight me on it ok?" and she says "Yes" softly.  I look down and I can see her pussy is soaking wet. So I get off of her and take her hands and pull her up off the bed. I wrap my arms around her and she holds me tight and I whisper to her "Youll never have me and this is punishment for your sinful wicked lesbian desires. do you understand?" and she says "yes." and so I take her hands and lead her into the bathroom. I get undressed and we shower together.

Afterwards we dry off and she gets dressed and says she has to go for her date. I tell her to have a nice time and she drives off.

So now I am in bed wondering if that lesbian is eating her out. I guess I will find out tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

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