Sunday, October 22, 2017

Musings and stuff

I haven't written much lately because I have been busy. Life is great, it is very cute and positive. It seems like fat pedo stalker Chobittsu and his obese brony associates have been leaving me alone. I guess dad's lawyers little talk with wargaming has paid off :)

So we had a game Saturday which we won and, as usual, cheer squad was great! We had a new new routine we have been practicing and it worked out great!

So anyway, after the game Bekah drives me home because dad went to his friends where they are rebuilding some old Ford car from the 1950's. We get back to my house and I am all thinking to myself "Im goiing to do bekah in the shower" and I am all set to attack her when we get to my bedroom.

BUT she had other ideas!

We get into my room and I am still in my cheer squad uniform and she takes me in her arms and kisses me really really deep. So I am all "lets shower" but she says "No, i want you as is" so she turns me around and bends me over and starts pulling my bottoms off and I am all "bekah I am all swearty from cheering wtf!" but she doesnt care and she pull soff my cheer bottoms and my thong and pushes me on my bed. She grabs my hips and pulls them up so my ass is in the air. she lifts my cheer mini up over my hips and she grabs my ass. She pulls my ass apart so my hole is exposed and she says "I want to see it more" and she pulls my ass apart further and further. she says to me "I want to see it open all the way" and I am losing control and i am all "omg bekah my hole is open so far" and she puts her finger as close to my ass hole as she can and pulls harder. my hole is now gaping open and i am barely able to control myself and she says "gape it for me" so i push back with my muscles and it gapes my ass hole open as far as it can. she plunges her tongue inside it DEEP and starts licking and I am literally crying and moaning as she does it. she ass fucks me with her tongue for a long time as she hold my ass open. she licks down to my pussy and starts tongue fucking me from behind and I am so wet its almost like i am pissing.

she flips me over and pulls her pants and panties off and gets on top of me. she positions her pussy against mine and starts grinding. i wrap my legs around her waist and pull her against me and grind back. she grinds against me hard and fast and starts saying things like "i love your 16 year old pussy" and "i wish i had a cock so i could cum inside your under aged pussy and get it pregnant"  well this talk drives me over the edge and i start cumming.

she grinds against me as i cum and says "im not stopping" and she doesnt.

we grind against each other for a long time. it was over 2 hours and we are both covered in sweat and my abs and pussy are on fire but i give it back to her as hard as she gives it to me. finally, after i dont know how many orgasms we both had, we both orgasm together, she buries her face in my shoulder as we both cum and then collapses. we both lay there covered in sweat, our hair a tangled mess, our thighs and pussies dripping wet. we were both so wet my sheets are stained with wetness.

i am still in my cheer outfit and she is still in her shirt, we never got naked except for our pussies. I am too sore and too exhausted to move. we cuddle for a long time as we recover.

finally we smile and lovingly kiss each other. i tell her i love her and she tells me the same. we take a nice hot shower and then change into sweats and we fall asleep watching football.

thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 14, 2017


So Friday night Bekah comes over after I get home from cheer squad. dad is going out with his friends to some sports bar to watch baseball. I honestly do not like baseball, its boring like gold...but whatever.

So bekah comes over and we make some nachos (meatless nachos for her..ugh how can you have nachos with no ground beef? whatever) and we plop down in the living room to watch tv. after we finish eating she lays across the couch with her head in my lap and i am stroking her hair. we are watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

I am wearing just a t shirt and my thong like i usually do at home. as i am running my fingers through her hair she turns her head over and starts kissing my legs. It feels good so I open my legs a bit for her. she starts kissing all around my thighs and up and down my legs. this feels even better so I open my legs up more. she kisses harder, almost biting me and this REALLY feels good. I push her back so I can lay back more and I open my legs all the way, full spread in front of her. she starts kissing and biting all up and down my legs to my thighs and across my stomach. I feel myself getting wet and I know she can tell. She kisses closer and closer to my pussy, but never actually touches it. I push her back and pull my thong off and open my legs up all the way. I look at her and tell her "It's ok."

She smiles and kisses gently all the way down my legs. she stops right at my pussy and softly says "are you sure?" and I say "No, but do it anyway before i change my mind"

The next thing I remember is she slowly starts licking my pussy. i can feel her tongue inside me and she licks and kisses all around and inside my pussy. I grab her head and it feels like lightning is pounding through my body. She keeps licking and kissing and she takes her fingers and holds my pussy open and plunges her tongue in and out of me. She inserts her finger gently and starts fingering me as I cry out and moan. she goes down on me for over and hour and she says "I love your 16 year old pussy" she makes me cum over and over and I am literally shaking from it all. After I cum for what feels like the 8th time I can't take it anymore and she sense it so she lays down next to me and I pull her close and kiss her deep and I can taste myself on her lips.

I hold her and she is stroking my hair and telling me she loves me over and over. I say to her"I am an idiot for holding out so long holy fuck that was intense" and she is all "I told you" so I say to her "I am still nervous about doing it to you but I will try" and she kisses me and says "not tonight, this is all for you. lets just cuddle" so we hold each other for a long time. We get up and get dressed because I know dad will be home soon. It sucks, I wanted to hold her all night. Oh well, that day will come.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

NIGGA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! we have this new student at my high school, who apparently transferred here because his school's football team was disbanded because they school can't afford it. Really the only reason WE still have a team is because my dad donated a shitload of money to fund the program because he loves football AND he knew I wanted to be on cheer squad.

Actually the only reason my school has a lot of ANYTHING is because my dad paid for a lot of it. They should rename our school after him.

Anyway, back tot he story. So this new kid transfers in and he is big, like 6 foot 250 pound and he is a junior. AND he is a negro.


So I am walking though the halls between classes just minding my own business when I hear "Hey babygirl you is a damn angel" and I look up and lo and behold its that fucking pavement ape. I roll my eyes and just keep walking but he starts following me all "Hey hold up I'm just being friendly, I'm new here gnomesayin? I just lookin to be friends yo." Well I am not in the mood for this shit so I stop and look him in the eye and say "Listen, you need to understand something. My dad paid for everything on the football team. Like everything. The equipment, the uniforms, the workout room, the bus, all of it. And you are in the process of pissing off his precious only daughter. You do realize what could happen right?"

And this black fool has the most stupid look on his face. Like his ape like brain couldn't process the information. and all he can say back is "Hold up, what you be meanin?"

And I reply "Oh, I am sorry I don't speak niggerese" and I walk away while he has the most confused look on his face.

So lunch time rolls around and I am sitting there trying to enjoy my tater tots when big blackie comes into the lunch room all acting thugish and shit. Some of the girls are loving it...I guess because they are ho's and white trash and want to fuck a nigger to piss of their fathers.  Suddenly I feel arms on my shoulders and I am ready to spin around and go postal on someone when I see its Bekah and instead I laugh and hug her. She its next to me and is all "I have a minute before class and I wanted to say hi!"

I want to kiss her but I know I can;t here. So I tell her about that black retard and how he was trying to chat me up. Bekah gets this look on her face that I have never seen before, it was pure evil. Seriously it was like her eyes turned black and she grew fangs and started drooling venom. She says "I'll be back in a sec" and she walks over to that gorilla and leans in and talks to him. Suddenly he is all waving his hands all apologetically and he looks scared as fuck. She walks back over to me and sits down and smiles and I am all "What the fuck did you say to that nigger?' and she replies "I told him you were mine, that only I got to nail that pussy, and if he ever talked to you again I would burn his house down, rape his parents, and fuck him in the ass with his cat."


I love this girl!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

various happenings

A few various things:

WVU lost AGAIN...OMG seriously?

The whole Harvey Weinstein thing proves once AGAIN that the Jewish cabal that runs Hollywood will protect and cover for one of their own at all costs.

Steak is best rare. Anything more than rare means BURNT to me!

Fat people who complain "I can't find a job because I am too fat" need to go on a fucking diet and then maybe they will find a job!!!

Furries and Bronies should be genocided, no exceptions.

So I was at school today and bored out of my mind, SO I went to the bathroom and texted Rebekah "meet me in here" and she texted back all "omg I am in the middle of class!" Well when I tell her to do something she needs to learn to JUMP up and do it. So I stick my caerma under my miniskirt and take an upskirt pic of my thong and send it to her with the text "come and get it"

Well 30 seconds later she is in the bathroom and is all "omg what the hell!" and I am all "Well it got you here" and she was all "you are crazy".

So I grab her and throw her into a stall and close the door and lock it and she is "what the hell are you doing?" so I start kissing her and she is all "Steff stop" and I am having none of that and I am all "I want to see your pussy" as I try unzipping her jeans and she is all fighting me saying "omg we are in school" so I kiss her again deep and tell her "right here, right now, I am ready for it." and she is all "wait...ready for what?" and I reply "eat me, here, now." and she gets this look on her face and is all "Steff, we are in a bathroom stall at school I didn't picture it happening like this."

So i open the door and walk out and say evily "Ok well the mood has passed anyway" and she is all wide eyed and laughs "omg you fucking tease!" and I am all "Yup, but I love you!" and she shakes her head and says "I love you too....tease!"

And that was my day!
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

I am back

Sorry I haven't been blogging, a lot has been going on. I will fill you all in:

1. Our football team got destroyed by the defending state champs
2. I am still cute and positive
3. Bekah's parents want her out of the house when she turns 18 (which is in January). dad told her she can move in here with us YAY!
4. I haven't been playing WOWS that much, I am really into Elite Dangerous now.
5. School is still ok. My grades are good. dad said I need to start thinking about college and what the best school would be for me if I still want to become a vet (which I do).
6. Fencing is going great. We have a tournament in Richmond soon and I hope I do good.
7. Bessie had her teeth cleaned and it is funny when a dog gets their teeth cleaned because for like 2 days afterwards they are all licking their own teeth hahaha.

Everything with Bekah is great. We had a really intense passionate Saturday night. We were going at it for hours. I still haven't let her eat me or finger me yet, but i am feeling more comfortable with the idea. But she is patient and the things we do are very beautiful. I love being under her as we grind together and kiss. Just the intense feeling of bonding with her is something i cannot explain.

Anyway, that is all for now. i will write more this weekend.
Thanks for reading!