Sunday, January 21, 2018

Netflix and chill

So the new Godzilla anime debuted on Netflix and I love Godzilla. I am also a fan of anime so this was a great combination to me. Dad was out watching Basketball with his friends and Bekah and I had the house to ourselves. We made nachos (vegan for her...blah) and we settled in to watch the film.

I loved it. It was very well made and was a great film. It is the first of a trilogy and the ending was left open.  Bekah is not really into anime or Godzilla but she enjoyed the film.

She tried to mess around while the film was on but I kept shooing her away because I wanted to watch it, it just made her more determined but i put a stop to that. She tried to lift off my shirt but I flipped her over and put her in an arm lock and i was all "no fooling around till the movie is over" and she was all "arrrghh ok ok" ha ha ha ha ha

So the film ends and I though it was great. I leaned back into her and I was all "Now you can have me" and she was all "well what if im not in the mood now?" so I jumped on top of her and started to unzip her jeans and I said "I dont care, i wanna see your pussy" and she was all "Stop" and I pulled at her jeans and she was all trying to stop me and I said "omg stop fighting me I wanna see your pussy I KNOW this is making you wet" and she got all quiet and said "yes it is."

So I pulled her jeans down and she had a wet spot on her panties. I pulled them off and held her legs apart and ate her pussy for a long time. I licked all inside her as she moaned and ran her hands through my hair. I sucked on her clit really hard until she came. She cried out loud and pulled my hair as I sucked her clit as she came. I licked up all her juices and swallowed them. I kissed up her stomach to her tits and suckled on them for a while and then kissed her long and deep for a long long time.

I pulled my clothes off and she flipped me over and ate my pussy and my ass for a long time. I came in her mouth as she sucked my pussy then she sucked on my tits as i cradled her in my arms. We kissed lovingly for a while as I slowly fingered her ass (she loves that).

I love her so much. She makes me so happy. I want to marry her.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK day? WTF!

So there is no school today because it is Martin Luther King Day.

So there is a holiday for a guy who was a communist and a spousal abuser. And who's only claim to fame was getting his black ass shot.

Malcolm X did far more for civil rights than King ever did so where is HIS day?
Oh that's right....Malcolm X didn't kiss Jewish ass like King did.

Well whatever, I have the day off so I can catch up on some school work and stuff. It is cold as fuck outside and we have snow. It is nice around here with snow, the scenery is quite lovely BUT driving in it is all kinds of horrible. Dad hates driving in the snow. He bought a 4x4 Denali for use in the snow because he said even though the Audi is 4 wheel drive, he would rather be in a big 4x4 SUV than a car.

I like being outside in the snow. When I was very young, I would go outside and build a snow fort and dad and I would have a snowball war. Our old dog, Eva, loved the snow. She was a shepherd/ husky mix. She loved being outside in the snow and would chase the snowballs we threw at each other. She died of old age, she was 13. I cried a lot when she died because I grew up with her always being around. That is how we ended up with Bessie, our basset hound. A friend of dads had basset hound puppies and dad got her from there. I remember when he brought her home i was so excited, and I laughed at her long ears. I thought she was funny looking. She is lazy though, which basset hounds are, but it is ok because she is loyal and she guards the house. I mean, i dont know what she would do if there was any trouble...probably fall asleep to be honest, but i love her because she has a very cute personality.

Bekah and I saw Jumanji last night and it was awesome! I loved it, it was a very good movie. I was all snuggled up to Bekah in the theater and I felt so comfortable. Of course, I made her put her hands down the front of my jeans and rub my pussy, and THAT felt even better. I practically raped her in her car on the way home. I made her pull over behind this building I know is deserted and I pulled her jeans down and finger-fucked her hard till she came a few times.

So now I will spend the day doing stuff. Its back to school tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 8, 2018


I am back! I have not been on much these past few weeks (or months) because school got hectic, cheer leading got hectic, fencing got hectic, everything got hectic! I hope you all had a nice Christmas and New Years! I know I did!

My Christmas mas great. I never know what to get dad but this year I out did myself! One of the janitor's at my high school is a LEGAL Cuban immigrant and he has relatives visit Miami every once and a while. So I asked him if he could get me some real Cuban cigars, and he did! He also got me a bottle of REAL made in Havana Cuban Rum! So I wrapped them all up along with a $200 Bass pro shops gift card and that was dad's present from me! he was so shocked he was all "Steff where, HOW did you get this stuff? It's technically illegal!" and I was all "Its a secret!"

he was very happy and when dad is happy I am happy!!!

Dad never knows what to get me. One year I said "Just get me a case of maxi pads (I hate tampons and I refuse to use them)" and he was all embarrassed hahahah! he usually gets me jewelry or Victoria's Secret gift cards. Really, he could get me a sack of carrots and I would still love it because its from dad and I love him!

I got Bekah a whole lot of lingerie and clothes. I spent like $2000 on her. Her eyes lit up like she was in shock when she saw all her gifts and she started crying hysterically. She held me tight and said "Steff, this is way too much. I couldn't afford to buy you as much as you bought me I am sorry"

So I kissed her forehead and said "Bekah, you could have gotten me just a card and it would have been enough. You gave me the greatest gift ever: love. The kind of love I never knew I could feel or have and from the last person I ever thought I would find it with." She just cried as I held her and she gave me my gift and it was precious beyond belief. It is a silver necklace and in the center is a small shiny black piece of coal. She explained to me it is an actual piece of coal from the Titanic that was brought up in 2000.


she had it set in the necklace with small blue saphires surrounding it. she said Titanic is her favorite film and she always wanted a love like Jack and Rose had (but without the drowning) and that she found it with me.

I love it. I am wearing it now and I will always wear it. and lets just say Bekah looks beyond sexy in the lingerie I bought her.

Speaking of which, dad knows that Bekah and I are together. he said he doesnt care as long as I am happy. I told him I am not a lesbian but I just happened to fall in love with Bekah who just happens to be a girl but I do not find any other girls attractive. he said whatever makes me happy is ok with him and he likes Bekah.

The biggest winner in my house this Christmas was Bessie. I got her a few cute outfits for when its cold and she has to go outside. I also got her a HUGE rawhide bone.

Dad also got her a huge rawhide bone. Even Bekah got guessed it...a huge rawhide bone.

So now Bessie has 3 huge rawhide bones that are bigger than she is! she is the luckiest basset hound in the world.

New Years Eve dad went out with his friends. he didn't drive, they all took uber. I knew he would be out really late. Bekah came over and spent the night. As soon as dad left Bekah and I were all over each other. We 69'd on my bed for a long long time. her pussy tastes so good, like honey, and I love licking all inside her. We make very passionate love whenever we are together and I feel so complete and total as a person. I love her so much, i never want to leave her arms when we are together.

2018 will be a great year, I can feel it already!!!

thanks for reading!