Friday, June 30, 2017

My day so far

So finally it didn't storm (well until now anyway) and I was able to get a whole day in at the car wash. Again, I wore my cute cut off shorts and sleeveless half top and I made $65 in tips!! That is on top of my pay! YAY! I made mad bank today. I like working at the car wash, the other people are nice and they are very friendly and moral and supportive of clean living and stuff.

I had some very pretty woman, about 27, compliment me on my outfit and strike up a conversation with me. She asked me what I wanted to do with my future and I told her I wanted to be a vet because I love animals. She said that was awesome and it was nice to meet someone my age who already knew what she wanted to be and that I seemed to be a very level headed young woman. That was so nice of her! She gave me her number and said if I ever wanted to visit her and scissor, I could come over. I didn't know she was into arts and crafts but hey, why not! I used to do arts and crafts when I was younger, I guess she made a career out of scissoring!

Dad picked me up and he asked what I wanted for dinner and I said "Outback!" but he said "Steff we went there last night, so pick something else" so I said "Outback!!!" and he said "Look Steff we were just there pick something else" so I jumped in his lap and bounced up and down and said "Outback!!!"

That wasn't a good idea to do while he was driving :(

Anyway, we didn't crash, and after Dad's blood pressure went back down he said "Ok ok Outback just don't get us killed on the way over".

So now I am home and it has started storming AGAIN! I think I will go float in the pool after I digest this dinner. Dad has some friends over to watch baseball and he had to remind me NOT to parade around in my underwear like I usually do at home. OMG I am going to be in a bikini for the pool and that is smaller than my underwear so what is the big deal? Booo!

Anyway, that is my day so far. It was a very positive cheerful day and I made a lot of people smile with my cuteness and positive attitude, especially that very pretty woman I met today, she was smiling at me a lot as we talked.

Thanks for reading!

Chobittsu the fat anime creeper


AGAIN I have to deal with stalkers and obsessed neckbeards from World of Warships. This time it is some old overweight anime freak named  Chobittsu, who shows obvious signs of being an aspie. Apparently this man-child LOVES stalking me on the WOWS forums and has taken it upon himself to comment spam this blog, all because I called him out on his creepiness at harassing an underage girl (me).

Think about it..this ADULT male (who claims he is married with kids no less) has an anime little girl as his forum avatar!!! This ADULT also spends a LOT time time harassing a 16 year old (ME).

Why won't the forum mods at WOWS do anything about this illegal and disgusting trend of picking on not just me, but a lot of the female members of the forum by a select group of neckbearded anime-obsessed adult men?

I think this is something the higher-ups at Wargaming need to know about.

Look, I am not some Gamer-gate style SJW. Feminism is stupid to be honest and those women at the center of Gamer-gate got what they deserved as far as I am concerned, what is at issue here is fat adult aspie neckbeards harassing underage girls, plain and simple, and being protected by their fellow neckbeards who happen to be forum mods.

People like Chobittsu probably sit around all day and look at immoral vulgar things online, and yet they have children (supposedly but I actually doubt anyone would breed with a neckbeard).

I thought this blog would be a nice place where I can spread some happiness and cuteness to anyone who stumbled across it, but a select group of fat neckbearded aspie anime freaks have decided, in their perversion and ugliness, to try and destroy it.

Ain't gonna happen folks!! I am not going anywhere. Eventually they will give up and go away and I will continue to put down my thoughts and opinions here.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Our house is too big

I think our house is way too big for just me and dad. Sometimes I can't find dad even though I KNOW he is home, that is how big the house is! The dog will go missing all day even though I KNOW she is somewhere in the house.

Our house is 8000 sq foot. And it is just me, dad, and the dog. When I was very young dad and I would play hide and seek in the house and and I could never find him.

I asked dad why we have such a big house when it is just the two of us and he said it is because he bought it as a foreclosure from some ex NBA player and got a very good deal on it. He said he also had to "de-ghettoize" it, whatever that means. That probably explains why I remember we didn't move into it until like 4 months after I first saw it on the day dad bought it.

I have always been nervous that dad bought such a big house because he planned on marrying and have MORE kids but he says that isn't true....which I hope not because I don't want to share him with anyone. And any woman he meets NOW will only want his money anyway (I think he knows that, which is why he isn't dating anyone).

My cousin thinks that he is waiting until I am 18 before he dates again...I hope not, the thought of some woman with dad makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, if he met some nice wholesome Christian woman that was obviously very pure and didn't care about the money (and signed an iron clad pre-nup) and didn't have kids (and wasn't ugly or fat) then I guess it would sorta kinda be ok (I would NEVER call her mom though. I have gone 16 years without calling anyone mom and I don't intend to start now).

She would have to be cute though, I would not want to share this house with an ugly person.

Anyway, all of this is beyond my control. Dad will do what he wants and I know this already, I can just hope for the best.

Thanks for reading!

It sure storms a lot!

So again I happily showed up at the car wash looking all cute in my cut off shorts and sleeveless half shirt, ready to wash cars and make tips. And once again, it started storming bad only a few hours into it. I made $25 in tips, so that is good, but I could have made MORE if it didn't start storming like the end of days!

I got a lot of compliments on my outfit, people thought I looked HELLA CUTE (which I always do) and it is nice to hear positive reinforcement for REAL people as opposed to jealous, bitter toxicity from forum trolls and bullies like the fat neck beards at World of Warships.

So when it started storming I called dad and he came and got me and he said "hey Steff let's go to Outback" and I was all "OMG I LOVE YOU!" I LOVE Outback! I could eat a bloomin onion every day (except I won't because I would get fat like Mandy and I need to stay in shape for fencing and cheer squad).

So dad and I had a great father/daughter early dinner at Outback. I was so happy I jumped on his back and made him carry me piggyback into Outback.

So now I am home and dad is watching baseball or something and I am in my room in my underwear just surfing the interwebz and listening to some nice vocal trance. I had a nice day today, full of cuteness and positivity.

Even the storm is good because I love the sound of rain hitting the roof and the sound of thunder. When I was young I was scared of thunder and lightning and I would climb into bed with dad and snuggle up to him and he would tell me it was nothing to be scared of, and that we needed the rain for the plants and that thunder was the voice of God and lightning his divine power.

Thanks for reading!

It is rough being cute in an ugly world

The world is full of ugliness. ugly people, ugly thoughts, ugly ideas, ugly activities. That is why it is difficult to be cute and morally upstanding in a world of filth.

I mean it, it is very hard when people around you are so ugly and degenerate and hateful and full of toxicity. I play games online, and as a female gamer I am always subject to the ugliest and crudest forms of harassment you can imagine. Gross neckbearded obese man-children love to taunt female gamers, especially ones that kick their ass in the games they love.

Now not ALL guys are like that, some of them are respectful and supportive and it is wonderful to see, but a lot of pimple faced basement dwelling Brony-types who hate women because they can't get a gf, especially one as cute as I am.

At this moment, a fat neckbearded guy from World of Warships is on some sort of one whale (because he is probably morbidly obese) crusade to run me off the game. He keeps reporting this blog to Google and harasses me on the World of Warships forums because of my age and gender. This female-hating tub of goo, named tcbaker777, is probably obsessed with me because I am underage and cute, which makes him a damn pedophile!

But looking past that for a moment, the media is filled with ugliness. Music is full of sexual imagery and immorality. Look at rap music, it is nothing but lyrics that demean women and brag about men and the size of their "manhood" and how many females they can have sex with. Rap isn't even music, it is some some of prehistoric African jungle crap that was probably used to describe getting eaten by a lion or something.

Movies and TV are filled with sex and vulgarity. I read online that 95% of all active actresses in Hollywood have done nude sex scenes. How do you think their parents feel looking at that, knowing millions of people saw their daughter nude and getting pounded onscreen? What happens when these actresses have kids and their kids see it?

But we ALL know who runs Hollywood and all of media anyway, so it's is no shock it is full of filth.

I try to be happy and to bring happiness to those around me by being as cute as I can and as cheerful as I can, but sometimes the sheer amount of ugliness in people makes it hard.

My burden is heavy, but I shall endure.

Thanks for reading!

Morning musings

Just some random stuff as I start my day:

Why are they called English Muffins? They are not muffins and they are not English!

Why does the filling in a Pop Tart get hotter WITH icing on the outside than without?

Old people really like to get up early in the morning. I was up at 7am to do yoga and there were already old people walking around outside with their dogs.

Why do certain groups of society need "special rights" when all rights for everyone are already guaranteed in the US Constitution?

How can a 4 year old child get approved for "transgender" hormone treatment when you can't drink till you are 21, join the military and kill people until you are 18, drive until you are 17, have sex legally until you are makes no sense.

If Lucky is so concerned about people stealing his Lucky Charms why doesn't he buy a gun?

That is all for now, I will update as the day goes on. Going to wash cars today, have a nice cute outfit all set to go!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dear tcbaker777.....

Hello tcbaker777!

Just an FYI, this blog does NOT violate ANY rules or Terms of Service. Just because YOU have a personal issue with me being a female gamer who schooled your ass in World of Warships does NOT mean you can take your sexist harassment of me off of the game and to here by filing false abuse reports with Google.

Just because you seem to have a hatred of female gamers, especially teen age ones like myself, does not mean you can throw your (probably huge) weight around here mister!

Harassment against female gamers is very common on the internet, usually from fat neckbearded basement dwellers who are compensating for their lack of "manhood" by attacking female gamers.

And BTW, the fact that I am UNDERAGE and you are harassing and bullying me sets YOU up for LEGIT trouble at World of Warships, so you need to re-think your harassment of me before it gets YOU into serious legal trouble. My Dad seriously will unleash legal genocide on you, he has the money and the lawyers to do step back.

It is a shame that in today's enlightened society, we still find sexist, misogynist clam clowns like tcbaker777 trying to spread their toxicity and hatred, it truly is sad.

Thanks for reading!

Chilean Sea Bass!?!? More like Chilean Sea RIPOFF!!!

So Dad told me we are going to the fish market this weekend to get some fresh fish to cook up. he asked me to think about what kind of fish I would like. Now, I LOVE seafood, and I love trying seafood I have never eaten before. So I was watching TV thinking of what fish I would like, I was checking out Jurassic Park actually, when I saw the scene where John Hammond is talking about what his chef is making for dinner....Chilean Sea Bass. Well, I figured if it was good enough for John Hammond, it would be good enough for me!

So I jump on the interwebz to check out Chilean Sea Bass recipes...only to discover....


What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is this crap? This thing is actually a Patagonian Toothfish!!!
Apparently in 1977 some fish guy got the bright idea to rename this fish because he wanted to market it in the USA and didn't think people would eat something called a "toothfish". Well not shit Sherlock!! So he started marketing this fish as a "Chilean Sea Bass" to the USA and it caught on.

Now, I admit, from all accounts it is one hell of a tasty fish and cooks up nice and it is a very clean fish as far as oil and fishiness goes. But that does NOT excuse the fact that they are fooling people into thinking this thing is a Bass and it is from Chile. It is most certainly NOT!!!!

There ought to be a law against deceptive advertising as far as fish goes. I mean, yeah I am going to ask dad to get some because apparently it is uber tasty, but still....I feel deceived by the name.

I wonder if I can sue someone.....

Thanks for reading!

Angry stupid WOWS forum tards!

I think it is hilarious to no end the amount of angry forum rejects from World of Warships that try to tear me down because I freely give my opinions and do not tow the PC line. What is most hilarious is 90% of these forum trolls have anime girl avatars...we all know what THAT means:


Yes, it is a fact that most anime girl avatar using people on World of Warships forums are, in fact, fat neckbearded obese guys. I mean take a look at these "things", this is your average forum troll right here folks. Now look at me:

This is why these neck beards harass me so much on the forums....because they will never EVER get a girl as hella cute as me. It is just pure hatred and sexism from them. They hate that girls play video games, they hate when women refuse to shut up and give their opinions. They fear strong women like ME so their natural reaction is to hurl slander and vulgarity at them, like a lot of them do on World of Warships.

I won't ever keep quiet and I will always say what i feel and if some fat anime obsessed neckbeard doesn't like it then they can go choke on their hot pockets.

Thanks for reading!

Immoral disgusting Bronies

Good morning!

After my morning workout and shower I was eating breakfast flipping through TV when I zipped past that show "My little pony". My dad laughed and said "That is the show those fat older guys watch". And I was all, "huh? I watched this when I was like 5!" and he said "Steff there is a whole culture of grown men who watch this show and they are usually fat, slovenly, and dumb as a brick."

So of course, I hop on the interwebz and...OMFG...WTF!!!!

Seriously...WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS!?!?!?!? How can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and say "I look like a normal, well adjusted human being who brings worth to society".

And how, as a parent, can you let your child grow into something like this!?!?!?

I mean, first off this guy is hugely fat and probably has a long list of fat-related health issues. Second, his hair is unwashed, greasy, and unkempt. Third, WTF kind of beard is that!??!?! I think his hair follicles are having a hard time pushing their way through all that neck fat.

He also looks poor but, whatever, I have seen poor people who at least keep themselves clean and classy looking (well, as classy as you can get with clothes from Goodwill anyway).

Newsflash: My Little Pony is for KIDS, YOUNG KIDS!!! Not fat unwashed man-children. WTF! We all know eventually the American taxpayer is going to be paying for this guy's mental health treatments or heart related issues. Which means eventually I and everyone my age will be paying to keep these Bronies alive!!

I can understand being an anime freak, I like anime even if I don't feel the need to flaunt it or have pictures of it all over my room or have it as my WOWS avatar.

Furries are weird but at least they are creative in their cosplay and whatnot.


Just so horrible, literally a waste of humanity.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What to do...

So its night here and it is still storming up a storm. I am in my underwear just laying on my bed writing this and listening to Digitally Imported. I don't feel like logging into WOWS and I am not in the mood to play Borderlands 2.

Dinner was great. Dad grilled some steaks and I managed to bake some potatoes without burning the house down. We saved the bones for the dog, she likes them a lot and it will keep her occupied for a few days.

Dad is writing some article for some financial magazine, I have no idea which one nor what it is about. He asked me a weird question tonight. He asked me "How come you never want to go out with your friends?"

I told him that I would rather spend time here at home with him and he said "You aren't always going to be able to spend all your time with me. Someday you have to start hanging out with people your own age."

I don't want to. Almost everyone I know is vulgar and immoral. The few people I am friendly with, well, they are great and all but I just don't want to do the things they like doing. I don't like the same music they do, I don't like the same movies they do, etc etc etc. I find it hard to relate to them on more than a few levels. I know what would happen if I started hanging out with people from school: I would get hit on constantly, the guys would call me a dick tease or something because I don't want any of them. There would be alcohol or drugs and sexual stuff, NONE of which I am interested in at all. So what is the point?

I don't understand why I can't just stay home with Dad, it makes ME happy, so why is it a bad thing?

Thanks for reading!

Seriously, Yorkshire Terriers suck

Yorkshire Terriers are the worst fucking dog on Earth. I mean, are they really even dogs? They look like vicious little rats!!! They have this YAP YAP YAP bark that makes me want to plant my Doc Martens in their furry ass. They have hair, not fur, like real dogs do. HAIR! I mean, WTF kind of dog has HAIR? Hello, DOGS HAVE FUR NOT HAIR! So Yorkies are like violating one of the rules of being a dog.

And all they do is bite, and not a REAL bite like a Doberman, nope they bit with these vicious nips with these razor like little teeth, and they ALWAYS go for the ankles! WTF kind of dogs ONLY bites your ankles!??!?!?

Seriously, fuck Yorkshire Terriers. I mean look at this thing:

WTF THAT AIN'T NO DOG!!! How can you call this a dog? It looks like a slipper that someone glued eyes on!!!

And what is up with that retarded bow? That looks like something some white trash bitch would wear to Wal Mart.

I hate Yorkies.

Thanks for reading!


OMFG I know you are reading my blog Mandy, WTF! This blog is for cute people not fat thighed hoe's like you! I am surprised you even CAN read since you obviously have trouble reading the caloric content on all that unhealthy food you shovel down your walrus looking mouth!!!

Just because I made cheer squad and you didn't was no reason for you to say all those nasty things about me and my Dad that you did! I even forgave you at one point cause I know you were angry and sad from not making cheer squad but you couldn't keep your hoe azz mouth SHUT and kept talking smack about me and my Dad, implying all sorts of disgusting perverse things which everyone laughed at because they know you are full of shit.

You were my BFF, we did everything together, we even got our first periods at the same time but you threw all that away because of your jealousy towards me and my Dad and our money and how cute I am and the fact I made cheer squad and you DIDN'T!!!

It is NO ONE's fault you got so fat but YOURS!! Everyone told you Matt wanted nothing to do with you but you kept on going to Steak n Shake to see him, chowing down on cheeseburgers and fries. Well look where that got you!! You lost your BFF, you got too fat for cheer squad, and now you have to shop at TJ MAXX!!!!!

You are just angry because I can shop at Nordstrom, Victoria's Secret, Chico's etc etc etc but you have to go to the plus plus size aisle in TJ MAXX now.

So stop reading my blog and go to Weight Watcher's or something,

Thanks for reading! (except for Mandy)


Rained out early!

So my first day washing cars went good until a huge ass thunder and lightning storm started, thereby halting washing for the day. Still, I had fun and met a lot of people and I made $30 in tips in addition to my pay! People liked my cute outfit (even if some of the older guys were hitting on me YUCK).

So now I am home listening to the rain hit the roof as Dad grills up dinner. He doesn't let me cook because once I tried to surprise him with dinner and I nearly started a fire in the kitchen. I guess I would make a terrible wife (not that I will ever get married because letting some guy get on top of me and touch me and stuff is disgusting).

Thanks for reading!


Yoga yoga yoga

I love yoga. It is very relaxing and is great for my physical fitness. It helps a lot with fencing as it makes me more agile and helps me control my breathing. I usually do "hot" yoga, where the room is heated up and I usually do it nude, I just find it more natural that way.

So now I am just jotting this down after yoga and fencing training because I have 15 minutes before dad drives me to the car wash for my first day at the job.

This is what I am basically wearing today to wash cars:

I think it is cute and I am cute so it works for me. Hopefully I will get some nice tips. I don't mind washing cars, it is good to be outside in the sun and the car wash is owned by a friend of my dad's so I know all the people working there.

Thanks for reading!


Good morning!

It's another sunny day here in *REDACTED* and I have things to do today. First up is morning yoga and fencing practice. Then I will swim a few laps in the pool and it's time for the first day on my job.

Dad wanted me to get a job to instill some responsibility in me, like DUH I am already responsible but whatever, I will do what he says. A family friend owns a car wash so I will head on over there for 4 hours and help hand wash cars. I think it will be fun TBH. I will be outside, with people I know, and I have the cutest pair of cut off shorts and half top I am going to wear, so maybe I will make some tips!

What else....oh after that I will come home and shower off and see what is going on for dinner. Dad and I went food shopping yesterday and he picked up some steaks so I am hoping he will grill them up for dinner. After that I will just chill and play video games or watch TV or something.

BTW Dad and I saw that new Transformers movie and it sucks. Like, it is visually impressive but the movie itself blows chunks.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, June 26, 2017

Things I don't like

1. My ex BFF Mandy

2. guys who hit on me

3. older guys who hit on me

4. the thought of childbirth

5. thinking of guys touching me

6. veal

7. Yorkshire Terriers

8. tampons

9. porn

10. vulgarity

11. immorality

12. drunkenness

13. drug use

14. broccoli

15. cauliflower

16. yoga pants on fat people

17. Obama

18. Hillary Clinton

19. pollution

20. country music

Thanks for reading!


My first post!

So this is my first post on my new blog. I have gotten a lot of abuse from people over this blog, people who do not think my opinions are important. Well they are important to ME so deal with it. I think they are just jealous because I am hella cute.

I play this game called World of Warships , its a pretty cool game where I get to sink a lot of ships and blow stuff up. I think I am pretty good at the game and I play it honestly. A lot of the people (around 80%) with high win rates (over 65%) get their stats via seal clubbing, which is a process by which they take a fully maxed out captain into a low tier match and kill new players in order to pad their win rate stats. People get REALLY angry when you point this out to them and they all DENY it, but the truth hurts and they can't handle it.

So a bit about me. I live with my Dad "somewhere" in the USA. I am not going to say where as I do not need stalkers. I have been raised by Dad almost since birth. The woman who gave birth to me ran out on me and Dad because she thought his business would never go anywhere and she didn't want to be with a "loser". Well Dad and I lived in a camper and drove all over the USA as he built his business. I was raised in that camper, at truck stops, at motels, and in offices all over the country as Dad shopped his business. As a result I became very independent and, I will admit, very stubborn and opinionated.

Well Dad's business paid off and he made a shit load of $$$. Like MAD bank. He sold his business to some Silicon Valley types for 7 figures and we finally settled down. Now he spends his time doing some consulting work and Op-Ed writing. I am going to be a junior in High School next year.

I fully admit I am a 100% daddy's girl. My Dad is my hero, my role model, my protector. I admit I will always be his princess. I love him more than anything (even if I drive him crazy sometimes, which I admit I do).

I do cheer squad and fencing. I do fencing a LOT, I train all year round for it.

That is about it for now. This is just an introduction post. I will write more when I think of an interesting topic to talk about.

Thanks for reading!