Sunday, July 30, 2017

Back from Vancouver!

I am back from my Vancouver trip! dad and I landed this morning and now we are home and exhausted. We had a great time and it was good to see some family again. Vancouver is pretty cool, I saw a lot of interesting things. I looked very cute and tried to spread happiness and positive thoughts everywhere I went.

Of course I was not able to play WOWS while I was gone but, as usual, that didn't stop pedophile perverts like Chobittsu from spamming my profile with disgusting and immoral messages.

It is good to be home. I missed my room and my dog. I missed the pool and the house and everything. Home is where I feel happiest.

I will write more later, I am going to take a bath now!

Thanks for Reading!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Funday

So today so far has been a very good day. We had a Church picnic where there were HORSES!!! I love horses. I didn't ride one because dad is afraid I will end up like that guy who played Superman, but I got to feed one and stuff so it was great. I trust dad's judgement, I don't want to get injured and end up handicapped and be a burden to society, I would rather be dead.

Tonight we are going to see Dunkirk. I am hoping once again to use my puppy dog eyes and get dad to take me to Outback for dinner. Dad says he feels sorry for whoever I marry because of my habit of using my puppy dog eyes to get what i ant. I told him I don't plan on getting married so it won't be an issue.

It JUST started raining AGAIN! I am sick of all this rain. Plus I got my period so I can't wear my really short miniskirt that I wanted to wear tonight.  Booo! Now I have to wear jeans....this sucks......BOOOO!!!!!

That is all for now. I will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Yay for the weekend!!!

Yay the weekend is here! I am sure it will bring many cute and positive things. Love and cuteness always win out over ugliness and hate, remember that!

Monday dad and I head to Vancouver, Canada eh? It should be fun, I have never been to Vancouver and I am excited at the prospect of many new cute and positive things I will see there. We fly out Monday morning...FIRST CLASS! Yay! I flew first class a few times when i was very young, but this will be the first time I will actually be able to enjoy it for what it is. I like flying, I only get nervous during the take off and landing....but, God will protect me and dad so I am not worried!

This weekend I do not work at the car wash because I have to go shopping for stuff to wear to Vancouver and Sunday is some sort of Church picnic, which I am excited about because there will be HORSES!!! YAY!!!! It will be a lot of fun. Horses are beautiful, I wish I had one but dad said after what happened to that guy who used to play Superman that he would never let me ride one. I guess I understand, I do not want to fall and end up a cripple. I would rather die than be handicapped in any way.

Also dad and I are going to the movies this weekend. First we will see Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets on Saturday, and Sunday night we will see Dunkirk. I am hoping he will take us to Outback (my favorite place). I will just go all puppy dog eyes at him and stuff until I get my works 9 times out of 10.

I saw my ex BFF Mandy today while I was out with dad at the supermarket. She was waddling across the parking lot looking all fat and nasty. dad said "isn't that Mandy?" And I was all "Yeah we better stay away or we will get caught in her gravitational pull". Dad said it wasn't nice to make fun of her and that he remembered when her and I were inseparable. And I was all "Yeah well that was before she got fat and jealous that I made cheer squad and she didn't."

Fat people are lazy. I mean, NO ONE is holding a gun to your head forcing you to over do it to yourselves because you are WEAK minded and lazy. So I have NO sympathy for someone fat. GO ON A DIET AND WORK OUT!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Chobittsu makes fun of suicide....

So it was a tragic day today as Linkin Park front man Chester Bennington hung himself today. Suicide is terrible, it is tragic, and it is sad to see it happen to anyone. He has documented abuse he had suffered in his life, that coupled with the suicide death of his best friend Chris Cornell of Soundgarden apparently was too much for the Linkin Park singer. Where there is life there is hope, but for some folks the pain of life and tragedy is too much to bear. Rational caring people try to understand, try to heal, and try to love these who go through such things.

And then there is Chobittsu, who wasted NO TIME in making fun of Bennington's suicide, and indeed, suicide in general, on the World of Warships forums. In his hate and toxicity, Chobittsu claimed it was NO LOSS.....apparently not caring about Bennington's family and friends. I guess for people like Chobittsu, who look at the world with hate filled eyes, suicide is an opportunity to troll people and make fun of people who can no longer fight back.

And, as usual, he dragged my name into it, in his perverse obsession with me, into his hate filled rantings. I WAS surprised to see him taken to task by so many people about his attitude and hate filled remarks about Bennington and people who commit suicide in general.

I am starting to believe Chobittsu is mentally ill. No, like seriously, he may have Down's Syndrome or be Autistic (thought TBH Autism is fake, it is just a crutch for people to act like assholes).

I wonder how Mama Getty will take it when her son's abusive behavior is brought to light? or his employer.....

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please PLEASE call


Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Rank 10!!!!!!

YAY! I finally made Rank 10 in World of Warships. I never ranked this high before so I am very happy. My faithful Bayern once again performed perfectly, and because of her performance I will NOT be selling her when I obtain Gneisenau.  Actually, I will buy her the permanent camo for her as a sign of respect for her performance this season :)

It has been raining here non stop. We are getting a lot of storms lately, and it is seriously messing with my beach/tanning plans. Booo!

Everything else is ok. Just fencing practice a LOT the past few days and a few hours at the car wash. We leave for Vancouver next week and I am looking forward to that.

Dad and I are going to see that new movie Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets on Friday. It looks really good and it isn't a remake or a sequel or a reboot...FINALLY something original! here is the trailer:

Dad and I watched Mad Max:Fury Road today. I thought it was a great movie. Dad loved it and he said he is afraid I will drive like the people in that movie which is why he is scared to buy me a Corvette when I get my license.

OMG I will drive very carefully, especially in an $80,000 car! But I can see his POV, he has watched me play GTA V Online and I am a total road rage maniac.

This is the car I want:

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Rank 11!

Yay! I am now Rank 11 on World of Warships! This is the highest rank I have ever achieved and I am very happy to have made it. My faithful Bayern has been kicking all sorts of ass and I am very comfortable with it. Going into rank, I thought my main ships would be my Duca or Budy, I wasn't planning on using a BB for ranked as I am a better cruiser captain. But my Bayern has been performing near flawlessly while my 2 cruisers got stomped, so I am sticking with my Teutonic  wrecking machine all through ranked this season.

Dad and I had a "discussion" today. He sat me down and said to me:

"I am just curious, but you never seem to want to hang out with your school friends or go on dates or anything. Is everything ok? I mean at school or in your life?"

I told him I was perfectly fine and that between fencing practice, the car wash, and yoga/tai chi I didn't have time to "hang out".

I then told him the truth about why I do not date (I knew he was going to eventually ask me). I told him flat out the thought of having any sort of physical or sexual contact with someone made me physically sick to my stomach and that I found the idea of it disgusting. He asked me if anything had happened to me that he didn't know about (I am pretty sure he was asking me if someone molested or touched me) and I told him NO, and that if it ever had happened I would have run screaming to him so he could kill them.

He said it was ok if I don't want to date but that healthy physical relationships with a loving partner in marriage is ok and that I shouldn't be disgusted by it. I told him i didn't care, that I found it gross and that at this stage in my life this is how I feel. Maybe someday if I met the right person it would change, but right now I am perfectly happy with who I am and what I do. So he smiled and hugged me and said I was his perfect angel and that he loved me. I told him I will always be his little girl and I loved him more than anything.

I am so glad I have such a healthy relationship with dad. We talk a lot and there is never any hidden things or topics out of bounds. It WAS hilarious though when I got my first period he had my Aunt come over to explain it all to me because he was too embarrassed to do it himself hahahahaha!

Anyway, off to bed!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 14, 2017

As the day ends...

Well I hit ranked 12, my highest ever rank on World of Warships. I am scared now to try and go higher, since from this point on losing means losing a rank. I have like 20 days left so I may get over my nervousness.

I was at the car wash today for a few hours. I had on my denim cut offs and a red half shirt top. It was sort of slow and so as we were sitting around one of the other girls started talking about how her BF likes when she sends him pics of herself in her underwear. I asked her:

"Aren't you afraid he is showing his friends? Don't you worry he may put them on the Internet?"

and she was all "Oh no, he would never do that he is a good guy".

So I said: "If he is such a good guy, WHY is he making you send him nearly nude pics?"

So she sort of sat there for a moment, like a light was going off in her head, and she said:

"You know Steff, you're kinda right. I just didn't think of it that way before."

Well no shit, you were too googly eyed at some punk ass playa who is jacking off to your nudes while probably showing all his friends! Why would ANYONE send someone their nudes or near nudes? What the hell is wrong with people? You shouldn't be taking your clothes off for ANYONE until your wedding night...DUH.

The only person who sees me in my underwear is dad, and he is my dad so that doesn't count anyway (plus at home I am always just in my underwear so he is used to it by now). And the ONLY way ANYONE is going to see me in ANY state of undress is my wedding night (if I even get married, which I doubt because the idea of physical contact of a sexual nature is repulsive to me). Stop sending inappropriate pics of yourselves!!!

Anyway, here is a cat watching a horror movie:

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Random stuff

So I found this video saying how this perverse upskirt thing (Chobittsu is probably into this since he likes to harass underaged girls) is PROTECTED SPEECH!?!?!? WTF IS THIS SHIT!?!??!

This is gross beyond measure. People who takes these pics are more than likely fat neckbearded basement dwellers.

And then I found this. Apparently two lezbos who somehow got married (which is total BS, marriage is between a man and woman) are suing a sperm bank because they were given BLACK SPERM and had a BLACK BABY.

I don't know why anyone would want a kid like this, especially a lezbo one. There is just so much wrong with this.

And finally, this video. This shows the ugly and genocidal behavior of Muslim refugees destroying Christian Europe. This is what happens when sub-human savages are let into civilized society. I always wanted to visit Europe but not anymore, these Muslim scum would be after my precious white Christian virginity.

Thanks for reading!

Chobittsu just won't learn will he

So as readers of this blog may know, World of Warships user Chobittsu (a 26 or so year old fat neckbeard who worships anime and has been accused of many illegal activities) has been sexually harassing me on the WOWS forums. Despite my many reports to the forum admins, his account has not been warned or blocked or sanctioned. There are a numerous users on WOWS forums who are "protected" by their admin friends, Chobittsu being one of them. However, these admins are also clueless neckbearded anime freaks (not all but most) so they have NO idea what the real world legal system is like, but they are about to find out.

You see, you cannot go on harassing a 16 year old girl without some sort of legal blow back, and Chobittsu is about to face his. The cruel, and sexually perverse messages Chobittsu leaves for me here and on the forums are all I need to drop the hammer of the law on his fat neckbearded ass.

Also, thanks to an anonymous tip from someone who has had run ins with Chobittsu, I have now in my possession certain damning information that will make this fat pedo-fuck wish he had never been born.

But now, for something cute!


Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

time for bed....

It's time for bed. Today it stormed all day so I wasn't able to do anything except work out and fencing practice. I played WOWS and managed to hold steady at rank 14.  So now I am in bed in my underwear just relaxing and hoping it does not rain tomorrow.

So I found this video interesting. As you may know, Istanbul was stolen from Christendom by the Turks. Her true name is Constantinople and the city is rightful Greek clay and rightfully belongs to the Christian world. This video explains things.

Now here are some cute kittens:

I am tired. Goodnight!

Thanks for reading!

Rained out!

It has been storming all day here so my car wash work day was rained out! Booo!! I was looking forward to it today because I had the cutest yellow cut offs and matching top. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

I found this video on You Tube and it is funny:

It was funny hearing that scared black guy panic because of the fireworks.

This is also a good video about cut off shorts:

and this one is about infinity pools (which we have in my house)

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy Tuesday

It is Tuesday and another cute positive day in the great life of me, Steffi. Just showered off after fencing training and yoga and am ready to go to the car wash for a few hours. Our trip to Vancouver is coming up in 2 weeks, so I want to make sure I have my own earned spending money for it! I get an allowance from dad of $100 a week, but sometimes it isn't enough. At first I was hesitant on the whole "get a job so you have a sense of responsibility" thing, but as usual, dad was right. The fact that I now have extra money that I EARNED as opposed to having it handed to me, makes me feel even better about myself.

That is why I do not understand all those people who live on government handouts and who refuse to get a job or an education. They seem content to just coast and let hard working tax payers like dad foot the bill for their existence! And they all keep popping out babies, which gets them even MORE money from the government! Honestly, there should be NO public assistance from the government. That should be up to charities, religious organizations, and private individuals, NOT the government. If you refuse to work and you keep making babies then you should starve, sorry it is just reality.

I think I will wear my green denim cut offs today and a pale yellow sleeveless shirt to go with it. I think that is a cute combination. I asked my dad about that whole "upskirt" thing and he confirmed it is a pretty widespread issue online, with women not knowing them are being filmed. He said whoever is caught filming women like that should be publicly tortured and executed, and I agree. I do not understand the sick perversions of some people. I mean, yeah I have desires and curiosity about things sexually, it is natural, but good lord some people take it to the extreme.

I do not know what I will do after the car wash. I may sit in the sauna for a while. Dad has friends coming over to watch baseball which means I either have to be fully clothed OR I am banished to the upstairs of the house....BOOO!!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 10, 2017

So this is a thing huh

So my Mall ban is lifted and Dad took me to the mall. He went his way and I went mine. I wanted to do some shopping at Nodstrom and then poke around Gamestop. I bought a few cute tops and a new PS4 controller and headed out to wait for dad at the food court. One of the janitor's at the mall is an old man that is also a part time janitor at my high school. He is very sweet, his wife has Alzheimer's and she is in a care facility. I was wearing a denim miniskirt (this is important) and a white t shirt. I was sitting at the table when he came over and said hi. I was happy to see him and we started chatting. He said to me:

"Be careful wearing that miniskirt Steffi, they caught this guy with small cameras on his shoes taking upskirt pics of girls like you."

and I was all "Huh? Upskirt pics? What do you mean by that?"

and he said "Perverts go around and take pics of young women from underneath their skirts and publish them online. Its disgusting. they caught this guy and apparently he had a whole website devoted to this crap, half of the pics were of girls your age."


SERIOUSLY? This is a thing? Taking pics up women's skirts?!?!? WTF!!!!

I ALWAYS wear miniskirts and unless I am having my period, I am always in a thong (and I have special thongs for THAT). The thought that some pervert would try to take pics of me like this almost makes me vomit. This sounds like something fat neck beards would look at and get off on.

Let me make this clear: NO ONE GETS TO SEE MY GOODS. It is bad enough I have to go to the OBGYN, but that is different. The only way ANYONE is seeing me in any state of undress is on my wedding night (if I ever get married), and only dad sees me in my underwear anyway.

So now whenever I go to the mall I have to be paranoid about someone walking or standing behind me. Great, just great.

Thanks for reading!

This is what I was talking about!

Stay with your own kind!!!

Thug starts fight with Serbs, loses badly.

Absolutely disgusting. This picture makes me want to vomit.

Sadly, these sorts of things go on in the world every day, and they all end up in violence and misery for everyone. Women being abused, raped, assaulted, and the 'men' getting away with it. Well apparently not this time as some brave Serbs decided to protect their women from a predator. Of course, some people are calling it "murder", but how is it murder when some thug tries to grope/assault a woman and some men, doing what their natural role as protectors programs them to do, step in to defend her? It isn't murder, it is common sense. If some gangsta thug ever tried to grope or abduct me I would expect every real man around me to beat the thug to death, as these brave Orthodox Christian Serbs did.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

It is tiring

It is hard sometimes to be so upbeat and positive and cute when people just want to throw toxicity and ugliness at you. I am still being sexually harassed on World of Warships by Chobittsu and Flieger56. I am only 16 and yet I have to suffer crude and immoral attacks by grownups who want nothing more than to tear down my positive outlook on life and infect me with their hate and negativity.

Sometimes I think it isn't worth it and I should just stop playing the game that I love so much, but that would give those people a victory and they will sit in their basements with their hot pockets and mountain dew and goat to each other.

I do not understand how such a large company such as Wargaming tolerates underage girls being sexually harassed by adults on their forums, but they do. I wonder how they would feel as a target of a lawsuit? I wonder how many of those disgusting neckbeards would hiss and go crawling back into the darkness from whence they came?

It is sad that something so fun as WOWS is being ruined by a select group of sexual predators who seem like they are being protected by certain forum mods. I can only imagine the sick, twisted things that must go through their heads and I wonder how many other female players on the game they are harassing.

I am going to go to bed now. I hope tomorrow will be more cute and positive.

Thanks for reading!

This is disgusting

This is why I am so glad I am Orthodox Christian:

This whole transgender thing is a total lie. You cannot change your gender, PERIOD. You are born a man or a woman, CASE CLOSED. If you want to consider yourself the opposite gender of what you are, hey go ahead...but do NOT expect the rest of civilized society to go along with it. You can dress up and get all the surgery you want, but until you can change your DNA at the freaking cellular level then you ARE the gender you were born into, and NO amount of words or ceremonies will ever change that.

You want to be gay? Ok, I don't care, it is a free country. You want to dress up as the opposite sex and all? Go ahead, do whatever you want, it is a free country. Do you want to LEGALLY change your gender and force yourself into bathrooms opposite the gender you were born to?


A line has to be drawn somewhere and this is it. I do not want to be in some public bathroom when a 6 foot 300 pound ghetto thug in a wig comes in to use the women's toilet because he "feels like a woman" that day. ALL he is in there for is to try and get at my precious white Christian virginity and it is NOT happening. It is immoral, disgusting, and vulgar. These transgender types are a lot like bronies and obsessed neck bearded anime freaks: mentally ill. As a matter of fact, we should treat transgender-ism as a mental illness and either get them treatment or lock them away from civilized society. Bronies too, they are also mentally ill. Neck beards just need to stop watching so much anime and lose weight.

Anyway, rant over. I will write something more cute and positive later!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Beach observations

I was at the beach today and I made some observations:

Very large fat people should NOT wear small swimsuits. It is disgusting and ruins the view of the beach. Honestly, why would you embarrass yourself by exposing as much of your obesity as possible? I would think you would be ashamed and want to get into shape rather than flaunt your fat rolls.

The amount of vulgar behavior at the beach is troubling. People making out on the sand, in the water, practically on top of each other! Stuff like that is for the marital bed NOT the beach!!

Seeing good looking blonde haired blue eyed girls with ghetto thugs is disgusting. I do not know if they are doing it for shock value or they like being treated like trash, or maybe they just do it to piss off their fathers. These types of relationships always end in violence or pregnancy or STD's, statistics prove it. Just stick with your OWN people.

Sand gets everywhere! I showered a little while ago but I still think I have some sand between my cute little toes.

Dad's hair gets very grey in the sun. Like, its already grey (he says its because of me hahahah very funny) but in the sun it gets even more salt/pepper grey.

I have to be careful in the sun. My skin is kinda pale and I burn very easily. So it is SPF 30 for me!

Seagulls will steal your food if you leave it out in the open and unattended.

That is all for today. I am going to watch Mad Max Fury Road and then go to sleep.

Thanks for reading!

It's Saturday! Yay!

It is Saturday and I am going to the beach! I love the beach, it will be a lot of fun just relaxing, splashing around in the water, and looking cute in my bikini. I wish we lived ON the beach so I could go everyday. When I start driving I will definitely go all the time.

Anyway, I hope most of you have a cute and positive day. I am sure my stalkers from WOWS will have a day of ugliness and over-eating and looking at underaged anime girls.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Goodnight vibes

It is pretty late here and I am in bed in my panties and half shirt just all comfy and relaxed. dad already came in to say goodnight...he is probably snoring away. I know he snores because when I was young and would crawl into bed with him when it was thundering his snores were louder than the storm!

The dog is in her bed on her back with her paws in the air. I don't know why she sleeps like that but she is comfortable so whatever floats her furry boat.

I watched President Trump on TV tonight. It was good to see him with Putin. Russia is our friend, despite what people in the media think. She is Orthodox Christian (the same as me and dad) and she is the true heir to Rome. My dad hated Obama, when Obama said people like my dad didn't build their businesses he almost kicked the TV over he was so angry. His exact words were:

"I don't give a **** what that ****** Muslim piece of **** says, this is my ******* business built with my ******* blood and tears and he can go **** his ***** mother".

I didn't type out the profanity because I think it was excessive in this instance.

Orthodox Christianity is the true Christian religion, it is the purest form and its lineage goes all the way back to Byzantium. Someday, we will retake Constantinople. At least that is what my dad says, he claims it was stolen from us by the Turks and they have no right to it. I trust his word on this so I believe it too.

I was thinking about those ghetto thug guys today and how they leered at me. I am well aware I am very attractive and I am well aware of my own sexuality and how people perceive me. I am totally aware people look at me and think perverse thoughts and stuff, like that woman who wanted to scissor me. It used to bother me how people can look at me like a piece of meat, but honestly I am starting to just ignore it. They will never get to touch me so it is not important to my life. My own purity and morality is the most important thing to me, and I choose to stay this way.

Anyway, time for bed. Goodnight!

Thanks for reading!

Ugliness at the car wash

So I worked today at the car wash for a few hours. Today I looked EXTRA hella cute because my cutoff shorts were pink and I had on a light blue half shirt (sleeveless) and my pink converse. I wanted to look extra cute today because...well because I CAN.

So a few hours into work this Acura pulled up. It was black and had these really ugly gold spinner rims and freaking GOLD window tint. Of course you could hear the "THUMP THUMP THUMP" of the sub woofer in the trunk blasting out the usual rap-crap shit-hop stuff that some people listen to. Out of the car gets 4 20 something year old black guys...pants halfway down their asses, gold grills, LA Lakers shirts on, stupid vulgar gold chains. And they are all "Yo dawg this car needs to be cleaned". So the main wash guy quotes their price and moves the car to the cleaning area and me and another girl get to work washing the exterior down. And OF COURSE these morons are all leering at me making comments under their breath and acting all gangsta and thug and stuff. I just roll my eyes and wash the car. I KNOW they are looking at my ass and my tits (I mean, who wouldn't to be honest) and they were being very blatant about it.

So we finish washing the car and it gets moved to the dry area and I go to swap out my wash rags and get ready for the next car and they come up to me and are all "YO baby girl you is fine why da fuck you working here?" and I said "Because my Dad, who by the way I live with, thinks it is good for me to work and I happen to like it" (I made the Dad comment because I know guys like this don't know who the fuck their father's are)

And they were all "Damn baby girl you should come with us, we party more fine than working at a damn car wash". And I reply, "No thanks, I like to keep with my own kind"

And they got ALL bent out of shape with that remark, like a mixture of angry and confused with a combination of laughter. One of them said "Damn girl wat da fuq you mean, 'your own kind'?"
And I said, "You know, MY KIND" and I walked away from them. They kept looking at each other saying shit, I think they are used to women just rolling with whatever BS they say and not talk back.

Let me be crystal clear: I do NOT date ANYONE. Men, women, white, black, whatever.....NO ONE. I am NOT interested in it, I don't want it, I don't need it, and I am NOT looking for it. And IF I was, it would be WITH MY OWN KIND. And yes, I mean EXACTLY what you think I mean. I am proud to admit it.

We have to secure a future for ourselves, and we cannot if we do not stick together.

And that is all I will say about that!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

A cute day!

Today was a very cute and positive day for me and those I encountered. I worked 4 hours at the car wash and looked very cute in my shorts and lime green sleeveless half shirt. A woman said I was very pretty (I am glad she did not ask me to scissor!). I made people laugh with my jokes and it was a nice sunny day so everything was great!

So now I am home and in my room in my underwear and half-shirt just relaxing looking through the interwebz and listening to music. Dad has some friends over and they are watching baseball so I don't want to go downstairs since last time I did I embarrassed him because whenever I am home I only wear my underwear and a small half shirt. I am most comfortable in these two things and even though dad doesn't care I walked around the house like that (he is my dad so duh) he did say it is inappropriate for his friends to see it. I understand his point, guys being guys they will look and probably feel "something" seeing me like this even though I am 16 and they are all in their 40's. It is only natural an older man would desire a younger woman, it is simple biology. Younger girls are seen as potential breeding mates to a man, which is why you see so many older men with younger women.

Since I listen to my dad in all aspects I will stay up here till they are gone. It's ok, I have everything I need on the top floor of the house anyway so I don't have to go downstairs, I even have my own mini-fridge in my room full of green tea and cottage cheese and grapes, so I am good.

I will probably just relax some more and go to bed in an hour or so. The dog will eventually make her way up here, she sleeps in my room, she has her own comfy chair! And dad will eventually come in to say goodnight, he always does, even if I am asleep. sometimes he thinks I don't hear him but I always do. He kisses me on my head and says "goodnight my perfect gift from God". I pretend I am asleep if I am actually awake when he does this.

Anyway, that is it for today.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I think this qualifies as child abuse!

So I was washing cars today, looking all hella cute and making tips and generally enjoying my day, when this minivan pulls up to get washed and I was literally sickened to my stomach.

Out of the van waddled this huge morbidly obese woman, I mean she was at least 450 pounds. And her three kids, all of whom were under the age of 10, were also HUGELY overweight. The three kids all had bags from MC Donald's and were SHARING a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. The mother was smoking and had her own large bag from MC Donald's.

Now...ok...I understand people can be overweight, not everyone can be hella cute and fit like me, but this was NOT just overweight, this was life-threatening obesity! And her kids were HUGELY overweight with massive fat rolls on their bodies. The inside of their van was littered with discarded garbage and other fast food bags.

I wash the outside of the vehicles, the insides are done afterwards and the guys who clean the insides were complaining about the smells and the amount of garbage they had to dispose of. The whole time we were washing her vehicle, this woman and her 3 kids sat at the picnic table and chowed down on their Big Macs (they ALL had Big Macs), passing around the bottle of Dr Pepper.

I am sorry but I think this is child abuse, Letting yourself get that fat is your own choice, but letting your children get so obese that they can barely walk is something totally different. They are in for a lifetime of health issues and ridicule from their school mates and others.

After reflecting on this situation, I did what I felt I needed to do. I took down their license plate number and called child services, informing them of this gross neglect.

We are raising a generation of children raised on fast food and other unhealthy things. It is disgusting and immoral. And in the long run their health issues will bankrupt this nation. I think I did the right thing.

Thanks for reading!

All is great in Steffiland!

Life is great. It really is, well it is for ME I don't know how it is for you...maybe it sucks, I have no idea.

But being ME is fantastic! I am hella cute, very fit, have a loving dad, loads of money, live in a huge house, and have endless amounts of positive energy.

I guess I hit life's lottery jackpot. But it wasn't always this way. In the beginning we were below poverty level. Lived in a small travel trailer, never int he same place for than a few weeks. We lived like gypsies. I remember one Christmas in a truck stop somewhere in Montana. I remember watching Sesame Street in an office with some secretary of a company my Dad was making his sales pitch to. I remember what it was like to have nothing and how hard dad busted his ass to make life better for us.

I asked him once, when I was very young, "Daddy why do we live like we do?". And I remember he smiled and kissed the top of my head and said "So one day YOU won't have to".

I like to think God rewarded dad and I for all the sacrifices that were made. I like to think God rewarded dad by sending him sch an awesome daughter like me!

I feel I am blessed, not just with my looks but with my attitude. People like to hate on me because I am cute, fit, and have money. They automatically assume I am a bitch, a whore, and my dad made his money illegally. They do not even bother to get to know me. Much like the fat neckbearded fools on World of Warships (like fat stalker Chobittsu and his boyfriend tcbaker777), these subhumans see beauty and success and seek to destroy it out of jealousy and intolerance.

It doesn't matter though, I see the world through my eyes and my eyes are cute and full of positivism.
They can sit at their greasy laptops with their hotpockets and mountain dew and screech their piggy screeches all they want, it falls upon deaf ears!

Anyway, today is car wash day followed by fencing practice. I hope you all have a cute and positive day!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Cute things

So I was reminded by someone that this blog is supposed to be about cute things. I guess I got so caught up in the haters I lost sight of that, but not anymore. So back to the cuteness and positivism!

So I LOVE this look! I can rock this 100%. I think the top is too nice for the car wash but I would wear this to the mall or the movies:

This one is also adorable as hell, VERY high on the cute scale:

This is also so very very cute. I love the simplicity and subtly of the look:

and of course, THESE light pink Converse:

These are the types of outfits I normally wear out, I like to be comfortable and cute.

That is all for now!

Thanks for reading!

Why are people so jealous and bitter

I do not understand why people have to be so jealous and bitter towards me. Look, I was BORN hella cute, and I work out a LOT, so I deserve to have the body I do. I train fencing EVERY DAY. I do epic cardio, yoga, tai chi, OF COURSE I AM GOING TO BE FIT!! Why do ugly unfit bitter people look at people like me and automatically HATE?

Newsflash: if you are out of shape you CAN change that. All it takes is a firm commitment to change and a healthier lifestyle.  Put down the hot pockets and Mountain Dew, PICK UP some water and kale salad! Get off of your computer and get ON a bike. Stop running around in COD and start WALKING through your neighborhood! Jesus Christ it is NOT that difficult to get started.

"Oh its genetics"...BULLSHIT....genetics didn't tell you to order a Big Mac or eat 7 slices of pizza or sit all day in your room playing video games. And now, because you are unfit and you feel ugly you will lash out at people like me, who devote time and effort to maintain our looks and fitness...all because you are TOO DAMN LAZY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

And as far as looks go...well I admit, a part of how good looking you are IS genetics...and I was blessed with fine genetics as far as THAT goes....but the other half of looks is totally within your control:

maintain a healthy level of fitness
eat healthy foods
wash and condition your hair
take care of your skin
take care of your teeth

THAT is the other half of the equation. I have met many people who SHOULD be cute as all hell but they didn't take care of their teeth or had messy hair or never washed their faces and had zits...and it cancelled out their genetic good looks.

So now they are fat and ugly and instead of looking in the mirror and saying "I need to change this for the better" they instead say "this is everyone else's fault but MINE and I need to lash out"

YOU are to blame for your own situation, not the world.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 2, 2017


So dad and I decided to set off some early 4th of July fireworks tonight. Dad has been getting them ready all day and as soon as the sun sets, we are going to set them off.

We had that Chilean Sea Bass (in reality Patagonian Toothfish) today and I have to see it was DAMN good. I can see why they market it as a sea bass, because it is damn tasty. MMM MMM good.

No car wash for me today, tomorrow I will go after fencing training. I might play WOWS in a bit. Its ranked season 7 and, as usual, I get stuck on a team of potatoes and noobs who do not know what they are doing and as a result, my ranking suffers. I don't think morons or noobs should be allowed to play ranked but, whatever.

That is about it for now. I will write more tonight.

Thanks for reading!

So I got this today :)

I got this message today. The author said I could blog it but to remove their name first, for obvious reasons.

Hi Steff!!

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. Some of us have seen the bullshit abuse you have been getting from certain members here and we are in total agreement with you. It is the same abuse we also have gotten, either over our gender, race, or sexuality. You need to know there is a small select group of people who wield all the power on the forums and they all stick together to watch each other's backs. They will look out for their friends and ban or censor anyone who calls them out on their bullshit. The fact that they suspended you for 2 days because of your personal blog is the straw that broke our backs, so to speak. THAT is total bullshit and some of us now wonder if they will use this as a precedent to ban some of us over Facebook, Imgur etc etc etc. We intend to go to War Gaming itself, bypassing the forum admins, over this issue.

Oh and on a personal note, I cannot speak of the other 2 because I do not know them, but Chobittsu has a reputation as a total triggered snowflake. Like he cries and gets triggered at ANYTHING he even finds remotely "offensive". ANyway good luck, you can blog this but please do not add my name!

Love ya!

I am glad some people see my side of things!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dear Flieger56

Dear Flieger56,

I have told you time and time again to leave me alone. I am 16 years old and I do not appreciate being sexually harassed and bullied by a fat older neckbearded pedophile. Stop spamming my blog and stop creeping on my World of Warships profile. If you continue to do so, I will inform my Dad and he will take matters into his own hand. I highly doubt Wargaming will want the headache of having to deal with an older guy harassing an underage girl on their game so I suggest you leave me alone or else.

Well I dodged a bullet!

Today I worked at the car wash for 8 hours. It was hard but fun and it was very sunny! I made $85 in tips plus my pay so I made mad mad bank! I am off tomorrow and I think I will relax poolside.

So the bullet I dodged was with that woman who gave me her phone number the other day. She was very friendly with me and she was hella pretty so I thought I made a new friend. She invited me over to her house to "scissor" which I assumed meant arts and crafts.....but it seems it does NOT MEAN THAT AT ALL!!!

Thanks to an alert anon reader of the blog, I was pointed to the interwebz to see what "scissor" really meant as far as SHE was meaning it.

I am not a prude, I am very aware of sexual things about myself and others. Just because I do NOT want any physical contact with either sex doesn't mean I don't feel any desire or curiosity, I just don't act upon it because I am better than that. That being said, I have no desire to "scissor" this woman and I have no plans to contact her.

I will admit, I am very flattered she found me attractive enough to proposition me. Usually when I am hit on it is very crude and vulgar. At least she was not vulgar about it, and in a way I respect her honesty at propositioning me. It is just something that, as a 16 year old, I am into. I am not into sexual or physical contact with either sex, even though I am very aware of sexuality in people.

Anyway, its a beautiful cool night and I am going to sit outside with the dog on the deck and look at the stars and listen to some music. Dad is working on some Op-Ed thing, but I am sure he will join me on the deck when he is done.

Thanks for reading!

Another day of cuteness and positivism incoming!

Good morning! OMFG it is already 90 degrees here and it is only like 9am. Thank God for A/C, I do not know how poor people in 3rd world countries live without it.

Speaking of poor, those neckbearded pedo's tcbaker777 and Chobittsu are still snooping around my blog and WOWS forum profile. It is disgusting that grown men are bullying an under aged girl like me, but I guess their lives are so full of vulgarity and hate that they feel the need to lash out.

I was thinking of telling my dad what has been happening and showing him all the posts and private messages from these two, but I know how dad will react: he will forbid me to play the game and will get his lawyer to subpoena World of Warships for tcbaker777 and Chobittsu's real names and information and then press charges against them for harassment. I am tempted to do it, because usually someone who bullies or harasses women (especially under aged ones) online are more prone to committing acts of physical violence against women and children in the "real world". I can only imagine how many young girls these two sexual predators have already attacked.

But I don't want to stop playing the game. I could have my friends on Voat dox the two of them and handle it there, but I don't know if it is worth my time.

Anyway, enough of that. Today I am back at the car wash! I didn't have to go in today but I actually like washing cars there because I get to dress up cute, be out in the sun, get a good workout, and make money! I am thinking of calling that nice woman I met yesterday who said I could come over and scissor with her. I still don't get WHY she wants to do arts and crafts with me, but it sounds creative and fun so I may ask dad if I can go over.

Anyway, that is all for now. I will post more later!

Thanks for reading!